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WooCommerce B2B

WooCommerce B2B 3.1.5

v3.1.5 29 October 2022
  • * Add: new option to customize price suffix label by group
  • * Tweak: added group ID display on group list page
  • * Tweak: improved B2B registration forms shortcode to solve an Elementor problem
  • * Minor fixes and localisation updates
v3.1.4 01 October 2022
  • * Add: prevent new customer orders if there are unpaid previous orders
  • * Add: new "Purchase order" payment gateway
  • * Add: new shortcode to show latest products purchased by the customer
  • * Tweak: improved product categories visibility by group management
  • * Tweak: bulk edit groups in backend to improve UX
  • * Tweak: better documentation organization
  • * Minor fixes and localisation updates
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Reactions: tatar221
  • * Fix: resolved an error in a hook call
  • * Minor fixes and localisation updates