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Velzon - Admin and Dashboard Template

Velzon - Admin and Dashboard Template 4.1

v2.0.0 (26 Sept 2022)​

HTML React 18 Angular 14 Vue 3 Laravel 9 Django ASP.Net Core 7 CodeIgniter 4 Symfony PHP Ajax Nodejs Cake PHP Flask AIOHTTP Svelte

Added & Updated Pages:​

  • Added Galaxy Demo
  • Added Starterkit
  • Added File Manager App
  • Added TODO List App
  • Added Crypto Icons SVG List
  • Added Custom Country Select Input - forms-advanced.html
  • Added Add toggle btn - ui-buttons.html
  • Added Flat picker week number option - forms-pickers.html
  • Added Preloader Option
  • Upd: apps-chat.html - Added JavaScript functionality
  • Upd: pages-team.html - Added JavaScript functionality
  • Upd: ui-badges.html
  • Upd: ui-colors.html
  • Upd: ui-typography.html
  • Upd: ui-utilities.html
  • Upd: tables-basic.html

Minor Fixes in the below pages:​

  • auth-signin-basic.html
  • auth-signin-cover.html
  • auth-twostep-basic.html
  • auth-twostep-cover.html
  • apps-crm-companies.html
  • apps-crm-contacts.html
  • apps-crm-leads.html
  • apps-ecommerce-customers.html
  • apps-ecommerce-orders.html
  • apps-invoices-list.html
  • apps-tasks-list-view.html
  • apps-tickets-list.html
  • charts-apex-boxplot.html
  • charts-apex-heatmap.html
  • charts-apex-line.html
  • forms-select2.html
  • nft-landing.html
  • apps-nft-ranking.html
HTML Laravel 9 Django ASP.Net Core 6 CodeIgniter 4 Symfony PHP Ajax Nodejs Cake PHP Flask AIOHTTP

Updated Package:​

  • aos ^2.3.4
  • Bootstrap v5.2.1
  • chart.js ^3.8.0
  • echarts ^5.3.3
  • feather-icons ^4.29.0
  • glightbox ^3.2.0
  • leaflet ^1.8.0
  • nouislider ^15.6.0
  • prismjs ^1.28.0
  • shepherd.js ^10.0.0
  • sortablejs ^1.15.0
  • sweetalert2 ^11.4.24
  • swiper ^8.3.1

Added Package:​

  • autoprefixer 10.4.5
ASP.Net Core 7
  • Updated to ASP.Net Core 7
  • Visual studio 2022 supported
  • Removed gulp and npm support but scss support is there
  • Fix minor issues
Angular 14 Vue 3
  • Added RTL support.
  • Like
Reactions: rxubba and tatar221