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Shopwise - Laravel Ecommerce Multilingual System

Shopwise - Laravel Ecommerce Multilingual System 1.39.1 NULLED

Version 1.39.0 – Apr 25, 2024​

- Improve performance & front theme UI
- Add option to print shipping label
- Add option to disable product cross sales & related products
- Add more setting instructions for ecommerce settings
- Add option to quick update product prices and quantity
- Add minimum/maximum order amount option
- Display customer wishlist in the admin panel
- Fix memory limit warning
- Fix duplicate language when installing using UI
- Fix duplicate editor field when using show/hide editor button
- Add search box for UI blocks
- Add Open Graph Image into SEO box
- Add option to upload/modify robots.txt file
- Add some new Google fonts to the list of fonts for theme
- Improve captcha: add option to enable captcha for admin login page
- Improve table: fix responsive table buttons
- Improve theme translations: add button to import missing theme translation texts
- Improve social login: add Facebook Data deletion request callback & improve default style
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Reactions: edgars221289

Version 1.37.0 – Jan 03, 2024​

- Fix plugin Analytics when extension bcmath not enabled
- Fix media double click
- Fix responsive issue on the admin panel
- Fix currency exchange rate from API
- Fix missing product image in Stripe checkout page
- Fix order zero amount
- Add option to add review for product from the admin panel
- Add more company address info into invoice settings
- Add customer notes (private note) in the admin panel
- Add option to select product FAQs from FAQs page
- Add option to reply to customer review from the admin panel
- Add option to show coupon code in the checkout page
- Add option to disable flash sale
- Add option to select language when installing script with installer
- Add option to stop converting media file URL to friendly URL
- Add user preference to select default language, dark/light mode...
- Add option to set color for media folder
- Add option to stop indexing a page
- Improve Admin theme UI
- Improve translations from the admin panel, make it easier to use.
- Improve System updater, fix permission issues on some servers
- Improve email notification settings
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Reactions: edgars221289

Version 1.31.0 – May 03, 2023​

- Fix issue when switching default language
- Improve invoice template & add option to regenerate invoices
- Improve admin notification: only keep notifications in 30 days
- Improve setting pages
- Improve captcha plugin, fix issue when using multiple captcha
- Improve admin bar
- Improve system updater & performance
- Improve UI for installer
- Improve core source code & performance
- Add multi-language for email templates
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Reactions: edgars221289

Version 1.28 – Jan 21, 2023​

- Add admin notifications.
- Add Google Fonts cache on local disk.
- Add option to confirm orders automatically.
- Add more widgets/charts in eCommerce report page.
- Add more fields to product form (Cost per item & Barcode).
- Verify customer's email manually from the admin panel.
- Improve product reviews section.
- Improve multi-language.
- Improve core & performance.
- Improve shortcode admin config.
- Make product options translatable.
- Generate invoice after order created from the admin panel.
- Fix tags & export feature

Version 1.25 – Dec 09, 2022​

- Upgrade to Laravel framework 9.x
- Drop PHP 7.x support.
- Add option to install plugins from marketplace.botble.com in Admin -> Plugins.
- Add option to clean up site data.
- Add Shippo shipping service provider.
- Allow multiple taxes.
- Add shipping rules by zipcode and location.
- Change default Google Fonts CDN URL to fonts.bunny.net.
- Improve performance.
- Improve sitemap queries.
- Improve core & UI.
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Reactions: tatar221