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Updated - 'Conditional Fields' can now be reordered.
Updated - Dragging and dropping form fields now works on mobile devices.
Fixed - When sending emails, repeating the same email in the recipient list would prevent further emails from being sent due to how the Joomla! Mailer class works.
Added - 'Edit Modal Width' option to increase the width of the field editing modal.
Updated - 'List of Disposable Email Domains' now accepts the * character as a wildcard to trigger part of the domain such as *.xz
Fixed - Forms added as backend menu items are no longer removed when updating the extension.
Fixed - When using Syntax Highlighting some Javascript errors could appear on the page in Joomla! 5 due to CodeMirror 6.
Fixed - Selecting a 'Default Ordering Column' in the 'Submissions - Directory' menu item without actually setting the field as 'Show in Listing' would result in 0 submissions being displayed.
Fixed - Clearing an uploaded file when editing a submission through the 'Submissions - Directory' menu item would not actually delete the file.
Updated - In the 'Submissions - View' menu item the 'HTML Layout', 'Row Layout' and 'Details Layout' fields now show a CodeMirror editor for easier editing.
Fixed - An email address containing any of the / : ? @ characters would throw a PunycodeHelper error on Joomla! 4 and 5
Fixed - Further validation in the 'Submissions - Directory' menu item to prevent SQL errors from showing up.
Added - 'Date and Time Picker' has the following validation rules available: 'Regex', 'Same Value as Other Field', 'Unique Field' and 'Unique Field per User'
Updated - Dark Mode in Joomla! 5 was unreadable.
Updated - Some Joomla! 5 code improvements.
Updated - Using Uikit3 @m classes for column sizing.
Updated - Bumped minimum requirements to use PHP 5.5
Fixed - Reply-To could be missing entirely when specifying multiple 'Reply-To' emails.
Fixed - Tooltips were not showing up in Joomla! 5 when editing a form field.
Fixed - In some cases restoring a backup from an old version of RSForm! Pro would throw an error.
Fixed - In some cases the 'Save Data To Database' option would not work correctly.