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PWT Extensions
PWT Sitemap.jpg

PWT Sitemap​

The perfect sitemap for your Joomla site, fully integrated with Joomla menu-items for easy configuring your sitemap.

PWT Sitemap seamlessly integrates with Joomla. It works out of the box on an existing website without configuration. Your menu-items are your sitemap.

Manage from your menu-items​

When adding or editing a menu-item you can directly configure if the page should be displayed in the HTML Sitemap and XML Sitemap. For menu items that display a category you can choose to include all articles of the category as well.

Manage from the backend component​

You can quickly manage the display settings of all pages in your sitemap via the backend component. Via the simple toggle switches you can setup the pages of your sitemap within seconds.

Valid XML, Multilingual and image sitemaps​

The output of the sitemaps are following the requirements for valid XML sitemaps that search engines like Google and Bing like.

3rd-party extensions support​

PWT Sitemap comes with plugins for Kunena, Virtuemart, Zoo, K2, Hikashop, JoomGallery, DJ-Classifieds and EasyDiscuss. With the provided developer documentation any 3rd party Joomla extension can easily be supported via a simple plugin. You can also let us know your favorite extension that you need and we will provide a plugin for that. See the roadmap for upcoming plugins.
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