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Performance Pro - All in One Module

PrestaShop Performance Pro - All in One Module 2.6.0

Version 2.6.0 - 7/29/2023​

PrestaShop compatibility: - 8.1.1
  • [Added] Option to lazy load audio
  • Like
Reactions: lizg0
What's New in Version 2.5.1(02/07/2023)
  • [Fix] Fix HTML redering problem
What's New in Version 2.5.0(11/25/2022)
  • [Fix] Fix page cache not getting set
  • [Fix] Fix rare issue where cookie is not set on the first load when the cache was set
  • [Improvement] Update dependencies
  • [Improvement] Minify inline application/ld+json
  • [Improvement] PHP 8.1 improvements
  • [Added] German translation