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Ruud van Lent

ochAddAds is a Joomla! plugin that makes it easy to integrate Google AdSense and/or Google Ad Manager into your website. With ochAddAds, you can automatically place ads in your content, modules, template, and basically anywhere you want!

Benefits of ochAddAds:​

  • Increase your revenue: ochAddAds makes it easy to monetize your website and start generating revenue from your traffic.
  • Save time: ochAddAds automates the process of placing ads on your website, so you can save time and focus on other things.
  • Improve your user experience: ochAddAds allows you to place ads in a way that is non-intrusive and doesn't disrupt your visitors' experience.

Features of ochAddAds​

  • Easy to use: ochAddAds is incredibly easy to use. Simply install the plugin, configure your ad settings, and you're ready to start monetizing your website!
  • Flexible: ochAddAds gives you complete control over where your ads are placed and how they look. You can place ads in your content, modules, template, or anywhere else you want. You can also customize the look and feel of your ads to match your website's design.
  • Powerful: ochAddAds is a powerful tool that can help you maximize your earnings from Google AdSense and/or Google Ad Manager. With ochAddAds, you can easily manage all of your ads from a single location, and you can take advantage of features like infinite scrolling ad delivery.
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