- Developer
- SOSInvision
This resource will allow to submit music lyrics and display them in a nice format.
- Internal search by lyric title and content, artist, lyric writer and year released.
- Fully compatible with IPS 4.6 (Clubs, Recommended Comments, Content Message, etc.)
- Per-category features:
- Unlimited depth of parent-child relationships
- Background image to be displayed in index
- Icons
- Ability to use comments/reviews, tags, share, anonymous content, etc.
- Discussion topics
- Permission to show category, read articles, submit articles, add comments, and avoid approval queues
- Extra Fields that can be used per-category
- Integration with the suite:
- Report system, search, report, webhooks, achievements, reputation points, etc.
- Ability to add a Youtube embed video URL
- Ability to create RSS feeds of lyrics
- etc