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Links Directory

Invision Community Links Directory 5.6.7

Links Directory.png

Links Directory is an application that provides your community with a member driven web directory. Allow members to submit websites for approval in categories you define. Users can comment and rate on other member’s submissions. You can also mark websites as official affiliates, fostering traffic between friends.

  • Submit links to websites along with a title, description, and an image generated from extensible APIs: Sneak.pw, WebThumbnail, Thumbshots (requires an API Key) and Upload field. You can also save the image locally, which will reduce the API call. Image is updated when you update the link. Admin can choose if new links are moderated, per category.
  • Ability to charge per link, integrated to Commerce.
  • Submit comments to links. Admin can choose if new comments are moderated, per category.
  • Rate links using the star rating system used throughout the IPS4. Per category setting.
  • Integrates to Share Links to share or email inks.
  • Inregrates to Google Maps if and address is provided in the link submission (IPS 4.1.13+: Google Map APIs now requires an API key. Go to AdminCP -> System -> Community Enhancements to enable Google Maps support)
  • Ability for users to report potentially offensive content or broken links using the built-in Report Center
  • Search integration: search links along with the rest of your community’s content
  • Supports item marking, allowing your users to see what links have been added or commented on
  • Integrates into Activity Streams.
  • Supports the built-in tagging system including prefixes.
  • Support for notifications such as new links and comments on user links.
  • Ability to follow/like categories and individual links.
  • Unlimited categories of links, plus unlimited depth of parent-child relationships
  • Category Icons
  • Drag & drop reordering of categories in the ACP.
  • Per-category permissions to show category, view links, submit links, add comments, and avoid approval queues
  • Provide “link back” code so other websites can link back to yours.
  • Mark links as official affiliates and display them in a different section on the Links Directory index
  • Integrates into IPS4 Moderating system, which all commons permissions, such as pin, unpin, delete, feature, move, etc.
  • Per-category Permissions allowing you to specify which permission sets are allowed to view category, view links, add links, edit links, comment, rate, and avoid moderation at a granular level.
  • Robust Admin Restrictions.
  • Integration with the Advertisements system
  • Integration with Sitemap system to include links in your sitemap
  • Ability to create RSS feeds of all links
  • Integration with ACP Live Seach (Links categories)
  • Support Extra Fields so you can define different fields per category
  • Friendly URLs for links and categories
  • Ability to configure the Links Index page to display the blocks you want
  • And much, much more!
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Last update

More resources from raz0r

Latest updates

  1. Download Links Directory v5.6.7

    Released 10/11/2022 01:46 PM IPS 4.7.3+ compatible.
  2. Download Links Directory v5.6.6.1

    Released September 17 Fix incompatibility with IPS
  3. Links Directory v5.6.6

    Released 09/13/2022 Fix incompatibility with IPS 4.7.2

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