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Invision Community Jobs 1.1.2


This resource will allow members to submit job opportunities and curriculum vitae to help people find a job.

Job Opportunity submissions:
  • You can build your own forms with the fields you judge necessary.
    • Each form can be assigned to specific groups via permission.
    • You can add email addresses to be to be alerted when someone applies for a job opportunity.
  • Unlimited categories, plus unlimited depth of parent-child relationships.
    • Ability to set a category as container to other categories so it won't accept submissions.
  • Extra fields.
  • Feature Color.
  • Icon.
  • Comments and Reviews.
  • Ability to choose which packages will work in the category, If you have Commerce installed.
  • Etc.
Curriculum Vitae submissions:
  • You can add the the fields you judge necessary.
  • You have permissions to submit CV and to view submitted CVs.
  • This resource has its own internal search so you easily find job opportunities by:
    • Title
    • Category
    • Type
    • Country
    • State/Region
    • City
    • Work from home
Monetize your site:
  • You can create Packages to charge for job opportunity submissions, with renewals.
  • Packages features:
    • Number of days to keep the submission active
    • Paid submissions with its cost
    • If submissions can be renewed, with the term and cost
    • Groups allowed to use that package
    • If new submissions will be pinned
  • Settings to control the app behaviour in several places/situations.
  • Like
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Latest updates

  1. Download Jobs v1.1.2

    Released October 11 - 2022 IPS 4.7.3+ compatible.
  2. Download Jobs v1.1.1

    Released September 13 Fix incompatibility with IPS 4.7.2