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iCagenda Pro

iCagenda Pro 3.9.6

iCagenda 3.9.6 (2024.08.21)​

  • [LOW][MODULE][PRO] Fixed: The date time display for current full period events (wrong time).
iCagenda 3.8.21 (2023.11.02)
Changed: Improve alias generation on save as a copy (events and categories).
  • #[LOW] Fixed : Registration validation, reverts the empty value for custom_fields.
  • #[LOW] Fixed : null hits on new event.
  • #[LOW] Fixed : Wrong element id (checking for com_icagenda instead of pkg_icagenda) for updater notification.
  • #[LOW] Fixed : Missing time for created/modified form fields in registration edition form.
  • #[LOW][PHP8.2] Fixed : created/modified warning deprecated message calendar form field.
  • #[LOW][J4/J5] Fixed : Time selector in calendar picker for event dates.
  • #[LOW][J3] Fixed : Thumbs generation, broken iCagenda image path directory.
  • #[LOW][J3] Fixed : Ordering of categories in admin filter by option set.
iCagenda 3.8.10 (2022.11.08)
~Changed : Improve Approval system.
~Changed : Notification to the creator of an event in frontend, when this event is approved on admin side (same as approval in frontend).
#[LOW][J3] Fixed : Features storing on new event creation left empty.
#[LOW][THEME] Fixed : Wrong image variable in event details view (default theme)