### 2.7.15 | 2023-10-05
- Added a new global setting to select the default form theme. On new sites, "Orbital" will be the default theme.
- Added a 'theme' parameter to the Gravity Forms shortcode.
- Added a new [`gform_default_styles`](https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform_default_styles/) filter to apply the same styles to all forms on a site.
- Fixed an issue where the setup wizard saves an empty license key if the user clicks the "Skip" button.
- Fixed an issue that causes fatal errors on some sites during the background processing of telemetry data.
- Fixed an issue where feed settings for ActiveCampaign, Agile CRM, Breeze, Mailchimp, Trello, Twilio, and ZohoCRM display a deprecation warning when using PHP 8.1.
- Updated the appearance of the template library.
- Updated the name of "Gravity" theme to "Gravity Forms 2.5 Theme."
- AF: Fixed the `Creation of dynamic property CLASS::$delayed_payment_integration is deprecated` notice with PHP 8.2.
- AF: Fixed an issue where the background feed processor uses a stale instance of the add-on to process the feed preventing the {apc_media} merge tags from outputting values.