--- 3.17.0 (25.04.23) ---
NEW: Lottie Element (Bodymovin), a powerful and flexible way to integrate Lottie animations.
NEW: AJAX add to cart buttons on single product page & quick view (optional).
NEW: Lazy load Instagram feeds (optional).
NEW: Header element Secondary Menu.
NEW: Implemented native CSS-based sticky columns for enhanced performance.
NEW: Integrated dynamic per-page load offset calculation for optimized scroll-to experience.
NEW: Sticky sidebar/column mode option.
NEW: Swatches/shop: Reset limited swatches option.
NEW: Auto open & scroll to accordion item per URL hash.
NEW: Auto-scroll to tab per URL hash.
NEW: Slider: Responsive slide width.
NEW: Refactored follow links for enhanced customization, addition, and reordering capabilities.
NEW: Refactored share links for enhanced customization, addition, and reordering capabilities.
NEW: Refactored sticky column JavaScript (enhanced & developed in-house).
NEW: Lottie Path: Set the source path or upload a file for your Lottie animation.
NEW: Lottie Animation Speed: Adjust the animation speed to suit your needs.
NEW: Lottie Autoplay: Toggle autoplay for your Lottie animations.
NEW: Lottie Mouse behavior: Set the animation behavior on mouse events.
NEW: Lottie Triggers: Choose from multiple trigger options for your animations: none, on hover, on click, or on scroll.
NEW: Lottie Start at X% Viewport (scroll): Define the animation start point based on the viewport percentage when scrolling.
NEW: Lottie Finish at X% Viewport (scroll): Define the animation end point based on the viewport percentage when scrolling.
NEW: Lottie Play in Reverse: Enable playing the animation in reverse.
NEW: Lottie Start Animation at X%: Set the starting point of the animation.
NEW: Lottie End Animation at X%: Set the ending point of the animation.
NEW: Lottie Player Controls: Provide users with built-in player controls for the Lottie animations.
NEW: Added 'Offset Type' option on scroll-to.
NEW: Added 'Offset Value' option for customizing scroll-to value.
NEW: Yoast & Rank Math: make primary term active category in WooCommerce widget.
ENHANCEMENT: Centering the canvas in UX Builder.
ENHANCEMENT: Combined post date and author into a single string for translation purposes.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved customizer sortable enabled/disabled state style.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved various translation strings.
ENHANCEMENT: Infinite scrolling in conjunction with Facet WP.
ENHANCEMENT: Menu link element can now use mailto:, sms:, ... protocol links.
ENHANCEMENT: Replaced jQuery waypoint with a more efficient method for better performance.
ENHANCEMENT: Separated blog post shortcode links to image and title.
ENHANCEMENT: Scroll hierarchy when dragging over it in UX Builder.
ENHANCEMENT: Swatch flex spacing & added size variables.
ENHANCEMENT: UX Blocks: Hide from nav menus selection.
ENHANCEMENT: Various CSS improvements.
FIXED: Attach events to duplicated elements in UX Builder.
FIXED: Edit with UX Builder button in Gutenberg not visible in some cases.
FIXED: Focus duplicated element correctly in UX Builder.
FIXED: Sorting multi select controls in UX Builder.
FIXED: Multi select controls showing all terms or tags in UX Builder in some cases.
FIXED: Issue where the $.block overlay was appearing over the header in some cases.
FIXED: Mobile logo left positioning in conjunction with desktop center logo positioning.
FIXED: Portfolio tag breadcrumbs going outside of the container.
FIXED: Potential XSS within UX Builder.
FIXED: Prevent native drag on elements in UX Builder.
FIXED: Refined scroll-to positioning for WooCommerce notices (e.g., on the checkout page) for a better user experience.
FIXED: Replaced WooCommerce deprecated methods.
FIXED: Search lightbox and shortcode button dimensions on mobile.
FIXED: Tabs: Lazy load issue in other than the first tab with animated content element.
FIXED: Blog posts href on button element.
FIXED: Unknown format specifier on tab title in some cases.
FIXED: WordPress 6.2 deprecations.
UPDATED: Google Fonts list.
UPDATED: Language files.
DEV: Added flatsome_follow_links filter.
DEV: Added flatsome_share_links filter.
DEV: Added flatsome_shortcode_${tag}_social_links filter.
DEV: Deprecated flatsome_swatches() in favor of swatches().
DEV: Updated Tooltipster to 4.2.8 + migrate.
Note: Minimum required WooCommerce version 4.7.0.
Note: Minimum required WP version 5.4.0.