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Droptables, the Joomla spreadsheet extension​

Droptables is the only table manager for Joomla that offers a real spreadsheet interface to edit tables in Joomla, it comes with features such as: one click table themes, Excel and Google Sheets synchronization, calculation functions, auto generated charts. As Droptables is fully managed from your editor, it works in the same way both frontend and backend.

Edit Joomla tables like in a spreadsheet​

Tables are difficult to manipulate in HTML, and Joomla does not offer a native tool to do that. What about editing tables like in a spreadsheet sound? All it takes is clicking on a cell, editing the data and voilà! It's saved automatically. You save time and not even a user mistake can break your table layout.

Powerful table manager: tooltips, visual cell editor​

Easy-to-use does not means basic at all. You have tons of tools available to edit your table including visual tools for color, borders, border radius and more. Each cell can also be modified with the Joomla visual editor with all features available. For advanced users, a custom CSS code edition with code mirror is also available in each table.

Theme and design for pricing tables or any Joomla tables​

Droptables comes with 6 themes and everything is editable. For example, add the planning table theme, change the hours with your data, and you're done. You can even create your own from scratch like a pricing table because tables can be copied in a click.

Excel spreadsheets Joomla synchronization​

An Excel Import & Export tool is available for each Joomla table. Save a lot of time, import your spreadsheet file, create your layout and publish it. What can I import/Export? You can import all data + some Excel styles or only the data and preserve your table style. The styles compatible for Import/Export are: cell background color, font color, font size, borders, links (HTML format).

Auto synchronization between Joomla and Google Sheets​

Yes, you read it right. Link a Google Sheets to a table from Droptables, and you can make an automatic synchronization of the data. It's also possible to run a single import of table data and continue editing your table from Joomla.
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings
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Latest updates

  1. Droptables Joomla v4.1.0

    Version 4.1.0 Add Option to Print table on front-end Add Read image when import excel file...
  2. Joomla Droptables v4.0.0

    Version 4.0.0 Add Wrapping Text in Coloumn Add New theme design Fix Format date to cells Fix...
  3. Droptables v3.9.5

    Version 3.9.5 Add Droptables table block for SP Page Builder Fix Modal height when open...

Latest reviews

Thank you very much for sharing, it is nice to try before buying.