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ChronoForms PRO

ChronoForms PRO 8.0.17 NULLED

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Chrono Man

ChronoForms NULLED is used on millions of Joomla websites, supporting Joomla since 2006, ChronoForms is an easy to use and feature rich free Joomla forms builder for Joomla 3, 4 & 5, it supports PHP 7,8,8.1,8.2,8.3.

ChronoForms is the best Joomla forms builder in the market:​

  • It's super flexible, you can build almost anything using the Views/Actions/Behaviors system included.
  • Very Simple and easy to use interface, huge list of configuration options hidden by default, but can be enabled when needed.
  • It can work on any Joomla website, and we have a version available for WordPress in case you want to copy/move your forms around different websites.

Chronoforms builder provides amazing performance and nice looking forms​

We use one of the best UI frameworks available to display the form, only the necessary CSS/JS files are loaded and appended to the page code to boost your web pages performance.

Chronoforms includes all form fields​

Whatever form field you are looking for is available, if you can not find one then you may use the HTML element to show your own HTML code which may include PHP

Chronoforms includes digital signature support​

Accept digital signatures

Upload files with ChronoForms builder​

Users submitted files can be uploaded to your server, attached to emails and/or saved to Google Drive

ChronoForms has unlimited emails support​

Send 1 or 10 emails when the form starts or ends, you have full control on the number of emails any the processing sequence.

ChronoForms saves all your forms data​

Just enable the "DB Log" form behavior and your form data is going to be stored for later review.

ChronoForms provides efficient tools for Spam protection​

protect your form against spam by using the simple security icons element or the Google reCaptcha

ChronoForms validates your fields data​

Apply validation rules to any field, you may also define your own validation functions in either PHP or JavaScript

ChronoForms builder has multi page form support​

Divide your form into multiple pages easily using the multi page designer included

ChronoForms builder can Read,Save or Delete data of any database table​

The Data actions lets you work with one or multiple database tables very easily, different tables can be related using the relation behavior.

ChronoForms supports Conditional fields​

Show, Hide, Disable, or apply many functions to any form field using the flexible Events Behavior

ChronoForms Scheduling & Restrictions​

Limit any form based on dates, weekdays, hours, number of submissions (per user) or IP address, you may also limit the whole form or specific parts based on the user's group!

ChronoForms builder creates responsive forms​

All your forms will look great on both desktop and mobile screens!

ChronoForms builder generates PDF template of your form data​

Use the TCPDF action to build PDF files out of any form data available

ChronoForms can connect to external services​

Connect your form to any service or API using the included cURL action

ChronoForms builder includes Email Encryption​

Encrypt your email data for more security with the included email encryption behavior (requires the Crypt_GPG lib)

ChronoForms builder data listing​

List data from any database table using the Table view, export data to Google Spreadsheets or to an Excel file
8.0.17 NULLEDVersion
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