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AI Engine Pro: ChatGPT Chatbot, GPT Content Generator, Custom Playground & Features

AI Engine Pro: ChatGPT Chatbot, GPT Content Generator, Custom Playground & Features 2.6.8 NULLED

= 2.6.8 (2024/11/13) =
* Add: Similar to "Vision", support for "Files". For now, that means you can upload PDF in the chatbot while using Sonnet 3.5. This will be expanded to other models and features in the future.
* Add: Messages Integrity Check. This will help fighting against malicious attempts to modify the system/assistant messages in the chatbot. When a query to the chatbot will be detected as malicious, an entry will be added in the Logs of the Dev Tools (in AI Engine's UI). It's for testing purposes for now, for those who are interested in helping us testing this, and once bulletproof, it will be deployed as an option with kick/ban features.
* Update: Discussions now include the start sentence as well.
* Fix: The WP Cron related to discussions was running way too often (forgot to remove the debug).
* Fix: Encode the data used in chatbot shortcodes to avoid issues with special characters.
* Fix: Support for embeddings models without defined dimensions (hi, Ollama's embed models!).
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Reactions: ViktorGugo
= 2.6.2 (2024/09/18) =
* Add: Support for the new o1 models from OpenAI (preview and mini).
* Fix: A few minor fixes for developers.
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Reactions: ViktorGugo
= 2.6.1 (2024/08/31) =
* Add: Vision for more Google models.
* Add: Chatbot Block now supports params directly.
* Add: Icon support in shortcuts.
* Update: Max Tokens and Temperature are now unset by default. That avoids many little issues.
* Fix: Better handling of the custom chatbot.
* Fix: Random fixes and improvements.
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Reactions: edgars221289
= 2.5.4 (2024/08/02) =
* Add: You can now manually enter the model you would like to use for finetuning.
* Update: Finetuning features in AI Engine has been improved, like the way they are handled, displayed, calculated, etc.
* Fix: Max Messages was missing in the custom shortcode.
= 2.5.1 (2024/07/25) =
* Add: Option to enable or disable the Virtual Keyboard Fix.
* Update: Much better Default CSS for Custom Theme.
* Fix: Issues related to the Virtual Keyboard Fix.
* Fix: Force the log file to have the .log extension, to avoid security issues.
* Fix: Shortcuts were not pushed by the server-side.
* Fix: The expiration 'Never' was crashing when used with Assistants Upload.
* Update: If DevTools is disabled, all the related debug options are disabled as well.
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Reactions: crackerstech
= 2.4.9 (2024/07/19) =
* Add: Support for [GPT-4o mini](https://openai.com/index/gpt-4o-mini-advancing-cost-efficient-intelligence/).
* Add: Support for HTML Blocks and Shortcuts (Quick Actions) via MwaiAPI in JS and PHP filters.
* Fix: Better handling of documents, annotations and images created via the OpenAI Assistants.
* Fix: Better CSS for the buttons and the scroll in the chatbot.
* Fix: The MwaiAPI was registering the chatbots twice, and now works in the admin as well.
* Fix: Input Max Length was not handled properly in the chatbot (UTF-8 related).
= 2.4.5 (2024/06/28) =
* Fix: Resolved the function calling issue with non-streamed assistants.
* Add: Included vision for OpenRouter's GPT-4o and Gemini-Flash.
* Fix: Matched label IDs with inputs in AI Forms.
* Update: Major refactoring of the chatbot codebase. This will allow for more flexibility and features in the future. It will be rolled out progressively. Let us know if you encounter any issues.
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Reactions: MarkDragon
= 2.4.0 (2024/06/15) =
* Update: The chatbot bundle size has been reduced.
* Update: The CSS (and themes) used by the chatbot has been improved, simplified. It works better on mobile, it is more customizable, and the icons are handled via SVG sprites, for better performance and flexibility.
* Update: Moved to a more dynamic way to handle the engines and models.
* Update: Add-ons are now in a tab instead of a submenu
* Update: Intense code cleanup and enhancements in how the options are handled.
* Fix: There were a few issues related to Azure (streaming, in particular).
* Fix: Chatbot rejects files (based on the settings) in a more logical way.
* Fix: Removed issues related to URL building in the chatbot.
* Add: Chatbot can now be displayed in a colored bubble.
* Add: Chatbot's icon message can now be delayed by x seconds.
* Add: Page selector for Queries, Embeddings and Discussions.
= 2.3.7 (2024/06/03) =
* Add: New chart in the dashboard. I hope you'll like it!
* Update: Longer conversation can now be kept in the DB.
* Update: Sanitize Pinecone URL.
* Update: Refreshed Neko UI.