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Zender - Ultimate Messaging Platform for SMS, WhatsApp & Android Devices as SMS Gateways (SaaS)

Zender - Ultimate Messaging Platform for SMS, WhatsApp & Android Devices as SMS Gateways (SaaS) 3.8.6

Changelog v3.8.6​

  • Added Version and ID details in WA Server list
  • Fixed WA Server critical error
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Reactions: eddstyson

Changelog v3.8.5​

  • New Urdu Language
  • Fixed social login error
  • Fixed minimal theme color issues
  • Fixed edit plugin error
  • Refactor error reload page

Changelog v3.3.8​

  • BREAKING CHANGE! The unique id used in the WhatsApp sending API should now be the unique random string and not the number
  • Added WhatsApp account status in /get/wa.accounts API endpoint
  • Added /create/wa.link and /create/wa.relink for linking WhatsApp account using the API
  • Added support for sending audio in WhatsApp media messages
  • Added Exact (Insensitive), Exact (Sensitive) and Regular Expression in the matching type of autoreply
  • Added priority sending for WhatsApp autoreply
  • Added the ability to select the WhatsApp account in the autoreply
  • Added the ability to select the android and sim slot for SMS autorepy
  • Added the ability to send media and document in WhatsApp autoreply
  • Added the ability to validate WhatsApp phone numbers using the API
  • Fixed WhatsApp bulk sending API bug
  • Fixed spintax issues
  • Fixed minor bugs in the cron controller
  • Improved queue handling of the android gateway app and the WhatsApp server
  • Dropped support for WhatsApp buttons, list and template message types (Not working anymore)

Changelog v3.3.6​

  • Added the ability to select multiple devices/gateways when sending SMS.
  • Added the ability to select multiple accounts when sending WhatsApp messages.
  • Added version system in the WhatsApp binary.
  • Fixed WhatsApp priority bug in otp API.
  • Fixed WhatsApp connection status info.
  • Fixed repeating variables in WhatsApp bulk and excel.
  • Fixed sim slot issue on bulk SMS excel.
  • Fixed lang_undefined in android version names.
  • Fixed only_full_group_by bug in cron model.
  • Fixed pending bug when sending priority WhatsApp messages.
  • Fixed WhatsApp receive bug in the controller.
  • Refactored error handler in WhatsApp binary.
  • Like
Reactions: mostafizurofficial

Changelog v3.3.4​

  • Added WhatsApp priority sending
  • Added the ability to receive WhatsApp URL messages
  • Added the ability to receive WhatsApp attachments
  • Fixed autoreply bug
  • Fixed brazil number bug on SMS
  • Fixed WhatsApp scheduled bug on shortcodes
  • Fixed an issue on the WhatsApp server for Windows
  • Refactored sender cron job
  • Refactored WhatsApp campaign status monitor

Changelog v3.3.3​

  • Added the ability to re-link disconnected WhatsApp accounts
  • Fixed schedule syntax error on WhatsApp
  • Fixed spintax issues with the "|" character
  • Fixed WhatsApp double sending issue
  • Fixed autoreply keyword detection
  • Updated composer packages
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221
The update for the critical bugs found in v3.3 is finally available. In this version, we have fixed some of the bugs found when sending SMS and Chats.

We also added a new tab on both SMS and WhatsApp pages, this tab is for the queued messages. The sent tab will now only display sent and failed messages.

Unfortunately, we have a bad news. WhatsApp suddenly changed the authentication protocol of the accounts and we have to update the WhatsApp binary to keep it working. It will be required to delete and reconnect all the WhatsApp accounts again. Sorry.

We have also added built-in Ngrok support for the binaries, this will allow easy hosting of the WhatsApp server in your computers at home especially if you don't have a public static IP. Video guides for the WhatsApp binary setup are also now available. You can check them in the official documentation.

Update release can be downloaded here: https://github.com/titansys/zender-official/releases

Update instructions for Zender: https://docs.titansystems.ph/zender/updation/system/#quick-update

Update instructions for WhatsApp: https://docs.titansystems.ph/zender/updation/whatsapp/

Changelog v3.3.1​

  • Added Ngrok and Localtunnel skip warning headers in WhatsApp library
  • Added debug flag on WhatsApp binary
  • Added built-in support for Ngrok
  • Added WhatsApp status monitor block in admin panel
  • Added the ability to send document files in WhatsApp. Supports pdf, doc, docx, xls and xlsx
  • Added the ability to generate WhatsApp QR in API
  • Added the ability to download attachments from sent WhatsApp chats
  • Added attachments download in WhatsApp sent API
  • Added queue tabs in SMS and WhatsApp pages
  • Added video guides for WhatsApp binary hosting
  • WhatsApp chats will not be seen if you disable receive chats option of account
  • Fixed WhatsApp button send bug in API that requires image for sending
  • Fixed bulk sender of WhatsApp repeating contact name bug
  • Fixed excel variables repeating and number formatting issue
  • Fixed countQuota PHP_INT_MAX error bug
  • Fixed empty space when footer watermark is empty
  • Fixed implicit int error in device.php at line 999
  • Fixed counting/restriction problem in schedules and actions
  • Fixed bug in WhatsApp bulk message where footer mark is piling up on every send making it longer
  • Fixed<b></b> tags from gateway app and DONE button still not translated in app.
  • Fixed error in pages when it doesn't exist
  • Fixed not translated example spintax in sending forms
  • Fixed API missing id in get sent and get pending for both SMS and WhatsApp
  • Fixed error in user account if subscribed package was deleted
  • Fixed a bug where using STOP keyword doesn't add number to unsubscribed list for WhatsApp
  • Fixed link shortcodes not being added in WhatsApp bulk forms
  • Fixed a bug where schedule repeat days keep defaulting to 127 days when entering 365 days as value
  • Fixed auth box size on tablet screens
  • Fixed missing translations in campaign popups
  • Fixed device already linked message, it will now show redacted owner email
  • Fixed payumoney, stripe, and mercadopago in MPG plugin
  • Fixed bug on mexican mobile numbers. For WhatsApp only.
  • Fixed forgot password temporary password not working
  • Fixed translations strings in WhatsApp features
  • Updated WhatsApp add account sequence
  • Updated phone parameter to recipient in sample codes of WhatsApp API
  • Removed broken zippy library and added a new zip library
  • Removed WhatsApp binary support for macOS
  • Like
Reactions: Vercel and tatar221

Changelog v3.3​

  • Moved WhatsApp to stable version. Self-hosting is now required.
  • Send quota will now also count failed messages for both SMS and WhatsApp
  • Resend button is now always enabled
  • Moved bulk sending buttons to campaign manager
  • Random send interval is now enabled by default for SMS
  • Fixed hanging of tables because of realtime refresh
  • Fixed documentation issues on Nginx servers
  • Fixed QR code scan not working when account was created via social login
  • Fixed dashboard navigation styling issues
  • Fixed 3rd party gateway controller handler
  • Fixed Twilio gateway controller
  • Fixed gateway app offline data controller
  • Fixed copy button translations
  • Fixed notification listener minor issues
  • Fixed received message issue with date
  • Fixed API tester issues in the API documentation
  • Fixed an issue where WhatsApp transactions are not counting in the subscription page
  • Fixed an issue where creating use in the admin panel gives Invalid Request error
  • Fixed issue with editing of android devices
  • Fixed WhatsApp forbidden error when marking messages
  • Fixed a bug in WhatsApp bulk sender
  • Fixed social login issues
  • Fixed an issue where PayPal payment gives unlimited credits to user
  • Added the ability to send media, list, button and template message in WhatsApp
  • Added campaign management system
  • Added the ability to repeat daily, monthly, yearly or custom days of scheduled messages
  • Added the ability to set daily and monthly sending limit of SMS per device
  • Added the ability to change date and clock format of the system per user
  • Added minimum payout settings
  • Added commission system in partner system
  • Added the ability to modify user credits in admin API
  • Added gateway apk upload alert for admins
  • Added a new button in the admin panel for refreshing socket communication token
  • Added message ID in the received message API
  • Added device online status in the devices page and API
  • Added campaign management to API
  • Added copy device unique ID button in the devices page
  • Added WhatsApp connection status in the WA accounts page
  • Added the ability to send WhatsApp chats to groups
  • Added WhatsApp groups fetcher
  • Added UltimateSMS gateway controller: https://bit.ly/2L2vFMJ
  • Added 66biolinks shortener controller: https://bit.ly/2Qg50QR
  • Added Yourls shortener controller: https://bit.ly/3CQYhqE
  • Added Switchy.io shortener controller: https://bit.ly/3MpCCZz
  • Added Spanish language
  • Added Japanese language
  • Added Korean language
  • Added Marathi language
  • Added Norwegian language
  • Added Portuguese language
  • Added Romanian language
  • Added Russian language
  • Added Slovak language
  • Added Serbian language
  • Added Swedish language
  • Added Swahili language
  • Added Thai language
  • Added Turkish language
  • Added Vietnamese language
  • Added Yoruba language
  • Added Chinese language
  • Updated English language
  • Updated Arabic language
  • Updated Bengali language
  • Updated German language
  • Updated French language
  • Updated Hausa language
  • Updated Hindi language
  • Updated Hungarian language
  • Updated Indonesian language
  • Updated Igbo language
  • Updated Italian language
  • Updated Hebrew language
  • Updated documentation
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221