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YOOtheme Pro Joomla page builder

YOOtheme Pro Joomla page builder 4.4.8

4.4.8 (August 27, 2024)​

  • Fixed
    Fix cluster icon rendering for Google Maps in Maps element
  • Fixed
    Fix translation for 'Comments (%s)' string (WordPress)

4.4.7 (August 1, 2024)​

  • Added
    Add WPML custom languages in template assignment (WordPress)
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289

4.3.5 (February 29, 2024)​

  • Added
    Add image to expand content option to Grid and Panel Slider elements
  • Added
    Add option to make only first item active to Overlay Slider element
  • Added
    Add parallax target, start and end options to section and column background images
  • Added
    Add backdrop-filter option to Alert, Notification and Button (Danger, Disabled) components in style customizer
  • Added
    Add cache lifetime for locally stored Google fonts and download upon recompiling CSS
  • Changed
    Use download key for updates (Joomla)
  • Changed
    Show columns using width auto the same like width expand in customizer builder panel
  • Changed
    Refactor Panel, Grid and Panel Slider elements
  • Changed
    Hide builder action icons in customizer preview if sidebar is hidden
  • Fixed
    Fix PHP warning in Layout Library
  • Fixed
    Fix column growth for combination of width expand and other width classes with higher breakpoints
  • Fixed
    Fix image alignment for expand content option in Panel, Grid and Panel Slider elements
  • Fixed
    Fix parallax easing option in Slideshow, Panel Slider and Overlay Slider elements
  • Fixed
    Disable slider set and slidenav options if parallax is enabled in Overlay and Panel Slider elements
  • Fixed
    Fix stacking context of repeating sticky reveal effect of sections
  • Fixed
    Fix missing telegram icon in social icons
  • Fixed
    Fix tile primary and secondary text color for dark styles
  • Fixed
    Fix invalid html markup in List element with type horizontal
  • Fixed
    Fix "Save Module/Widget" button saves, but is not removed
  • Fixed
    Fix viewport height option in Map element
  • Fixed
    Fix ACF repeater field and subfield with same name resolves correctly (WordPress)

4.3.0 (February 7, 2024)​

  • Added
    Add header transparent options to header and mobile header settings
  • Added
    Add text color option for transparent header to Image, Video, Grid and Panel Slider elements
  • Added
    Add height expand option to Image, Video and Panel element
  • Added
    Add expand content option to Panel, Grid and Panel Slider elements
  • Added
    Add height viewport value, pixel and top offset options to section and row
  • Added
    Add height viewport value and top offset options to Slideshow, Overlay Slider and Map elements
  • Added
    Add focal point option for video backgrounds to section and column
  • Added
    Add opacity parallax for media overlay to section and column
  • Added
    Add next section as parallax target to parallax settings
  • Added
    Add parallax options to Overlay Slider, Panel Slider and Slideshow elements
  • Added
    Add display overlay when active option to Overlay Slider element
  • Added
    Add 3xl heading option across all elements
  • Added
    Add nav primary size option to Nav and Module/Widget element, menu position and module/widget settings
  • Added
    Add viewport height option to Video element
  • Added
    Add HTML element nav option to List element
  • Added
    Add backdrop-filter option to Button, Dropdown, Dropbar, Icon, Lightbox, Modal, Tooltip, Totop component in style customizer
  • Added
    Add background color options for previous and next to Pagination component in style customizer
  • Added
    Add text decoration option for active state to Breadcrumb and Subnav component in style customizer
  • Added
    Add backdrop-filter option to Box Decoration component in style customizer
  • Added
    Add blend-mode option to Box Decoration and Transition Border components in style customizer
  • Added
    Add Mastodon, Threads, X and YOOtheme to social icons
  • Added
    Add Intro Text argument to content field of article source (Joomla)
  • Change
    Apply text color option also for transparent header inn Overlay, Gallery and Overlay Slider elements
  • Change
    Don't render grid for single module/widget for positions/areas with grid style
  • Change
    Split button text mode into two modes to combine border and icon
  • Change
    Show X instead of Twitter icon
  • Removed
    Remove none option from color mode variables in style customizer
  • Removed
    Remove match height option in Row element. Use height expand option in Panel element instead.
  • Fixed
    Fix navbar toggle icon for dropbar in stacked header layouts
  • Fixed
    Fix remove logo padding option for mobile header
  • Fixed
    Fix builder action buttons on hover positioned behind elements in rare cases in customizer preview
  • Fixed
    Fix hover image focal point option for Gallery and Overlay Slider elements
  • Fixed
    Fix lazy loading of videos in Overlay, Gallery and Overlay Slider elements
  • Fixed
    Fix text align option right Nav element
  • Fixed
    Fix separator whitespace for horizontal lists in List element
  • Fixed
    Fix navbar mode border causing content jumping when navbar switches to transparent (Devstack style)
  • Fixed
    Fix image mask default style in Chrome, Safari and Edge
  • Fixed
    Fix option text color if select box has transparent background on Windows
  • Fixed
    Fix Choices.js select box adapting dark styles in frontend editing (Joomla)
  • Fixed
    Fix date picker calendar color in frontend editing (Joomla)
  • Fixed
    Fix reactivity for YOOtheme API Key and GoogleMaps API Key
  • Fixed
    Fix template assignment for tagged items view (Joomla)
  • Fixed
    Fix cursor jumps to beginning while editing debounced editor fields
  • Fixed
    Fix width and height attributes not applied for GIF images
  • Fixed
    Fix empty content in tagged items source (Joomla)
  • Fixed
    Fix ordering in attributes source for WooCommerce products (WordPress)

4.2.11 (December 5, 2023)​

  • Changed
    Use JSON encoding for image src route parameter
  • Fixed
    Fix loading japanese locale in customizer (Joomla)

4.2.10 (DECEMBER 1, 2023)​

    Fix "YOOtheme Builder" button in post edit view (WordPress)

4.2.7 (November 28, 2023)​

  • Fixed
    Fix location field does not render correctly in subform field (Joomla)
  • Fixed
    Fix locale mismatch in WPML in ajax requests (WordPress)
  • Fixed
    Fix emptying and saving Builder modules and widgets

4.2.6 (November 16, 2023)​

  • Added
    Add help videos for pages
  • Changed
    Link customize buttons to WordPress customizer
  • Fixed
    Fix loading multilanguage template URL (Joomla)
  • Fixed
    Fix content not being clickable if sticky sections effects used in module/widget builder
  • Fixed
    Fix missing search icon in WooCommerce css (WordPress)

4.2.5 (November 14, 2023)​

  • Fixed
    Fix Firefox assuming wrong document base uri in customizer preview
  • Fixed
    Fix importing customizer settings (WordPress)
  • Fixed
    Fix menu configuration with WPML active (WordPress)
  • Fixed
    Fix contextual help videos (WordPress)