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WP Asset CleanUp Pro

WP Asset CleanUp Pro NULLED - 30 September 2022
* "CSS & JS Manager" -- ("Posts" | "Pages") -- Notify the admin if there aren't any posts/pages where assets could be managed - e.g. in fresh WordPress installations or when a website just doesn't have articles ("posts")
* Make sure Asset CleanUp Pro is not loading by default when DIVI builder previews are triggered (e.g. when the "et_pb_preview" query string is in the URI)
* Fix: Make sure the hardcoded assets are printed when managing the assets in the front-end view ("Settings" -- "Plugin Usage Preferences" -- "Manage in the Front-end")
* Fix: Added missing link to the special settings documentation post
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Reactions: tatar221 - 17 September 2022
* Option to unload plugins via "Plugins Manager" when REST API calls are made via define('WPACU_LOAD_ON_REST_CALLS', true); that can be set in wp-config.php / read more: https://www.assetcleanup.com/docs/?p=1469
* "Test Mode" now applies within the Dashboard as well (if there are unloading rules in 'PLUGINS MANAGER' -- 'IN THE DASHBOARD /wp-admin/') in case the logged-in user is NOT an administrator
* Do extra checks to avoid calling get_transient() when it's not needed on specific pages (to reduce the number of DB calls)
* Code that triggered anywhere now gets triggered on the front-end view as it's only needed there
* DB calls related only to the "Overview" page were triggered on all plugin's pages (avoid that)
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Reactions: tatar221 - 10 September 2022
* On pages without any unloading rules, do not make any DB calls or trigger extra PHP code to retrieve any load exceptions as they are irrelevant in this situation since the assets are loaded anyway
* Optimised the code to avoid triggering DB calls to the "options" table to check specific transient values
* Remove extra DB queries related to "post_format" as this taxonomy is irrelevant for managing in Asset CleanUp Pro
* When Asset CleanUp Pro is prevented from loading via the rules from "Settings" -- "Plugin Usage Preferences" -- "Do not load the plugin on certain pages" OR from "Do not load Asset CleanUp Pro on this page (this will disable any functionality of the plugin)" within "Page Options" area (when managing assets for a specific page), make sure the checking is done earlier to avoid an extra DB query that would become irrelevant if the plugin would not be loaded on that page
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Reactions: tatar221 - 5 September 2022
* Optimisation: Reduce the number of queries made to the database & trigger fewer code during early code loaded in Asset CleanUp Pro's MU plugin (e.g. to determine if the URI is a homepage, to determine the page type based on the URI)
* "Plugins Manager": Make sure the green font shows for any load exception rule that is chosen
* "Plugins Manager" Fix: When non-latin characters were used in the URI, some plugin unload/load exception rules were not working such as the ones based on the post type (e.g. post, page, product, tag) and taxonomy (e.g. category, tag, product category, product tag)
* "Plugins Manager" Fix: The load exception rule was not applied for plugins on taxonomy pages ('category', 'post_tag', 'product_cat', 'product_tag') when set using the following option: "On the following taxonomy pages:"
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Reactions: tatar221