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Wordpress Admin Theme - WPShapere - acmee

Wordpress Admin Theme - WPShapere - acmee 7.0.8 NULLED

7.0.8 - July 22, 2024​

  • Fix: admin users not listed in privilege users in multi-site installation.
  • New: Text color options added for body text and footer text.

7.0.5 - Sep 14, 2023​

  • Hidden WP notice for notification of new style theme.
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Reactions: GhRG87FGH

7.0.4 - Aug 7, 2023​

  • Fix: Message box text color option not applied to Plugin's update notices.
  • Improved css for WordPress admin login page.

7.0.3 - May 25, 2023​

  • Fix: Logo in Admin bar is not visible when horizontal or vertical postion is not set.

7.0.0 - May 4, 2023​

  • Added: Support for WordPress 6.2
  • Added: new design type: Liquido
  • Added: new admin theme: Liquido
  • Added: option to hide adminbar from back end.
  • Fix: improved css for gutenberg header.
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Reactions: tatar221