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WooCommerce Subscriptions Gifting

WooCommerce Subscriptions Gifting 2.9.0

2024-11-07 - version 2.9.0
* Fix: Re-includes the missing metas used to display the recipient user information on the admin. #449
* Fix: Fixes the initial order email not being sent after the latest changes to the user creation flow. #446
* Fix: Memberships access linked to purchasing a subscription product was not being granted to the gift recipient due to a bug in 2.8.0. #450
* Tweak: Update shipping notice copy to make it clearer. #447
2024-09-30 - version 2.8.0
* Tweak: Moves the recipient user creation to the end of the checkout process, and sends the email notification only for successful orders. #444
* Fix: Missing 'Shipping to the subscription recipient' notice on checkout page. #439