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Unlimited Elements for Elementor Pro (Premium)

Unlimited Elements for Elementor Pro (Premium) 1.5.114 NULLED

version 1.5.114:
* Feature: implimented "advanced cache" option for "dynamic popup"
* Feature: improved json/csv api usage in multisrouce, added paths as field names and data key selection
* Feature: added option for disabled buttons in pagination
* Change: updated freemius sdk version to the latest
* Fix: removed "custom remote name" from background widgets style
* Fix: Galleries - fixed fullscreen button on a slider that contains link
* Fix: in filters fixed init pagination number after init request
* Fix: fixed optin "is derect parent" in terms selection
* Fix: fixed get titles with empty posts for in terms selector
* Fix: fixed some filters related php bug of empty request on sync with grid.
version 1.5.112:
* Feature: made a small integration with simple author box plugin
* Feature: added "timezone" for google events api
* Feature: added "current product gallery" as a gallery source for WooCommerce
* Feature: added option for dynamic popup advanced cache
* Feature: added integration for fvplayer
* Feature: added links to woo minicart title and image
* Feature: added option to send reply in form to email that set in form field
version 1.5.107:

* Fix - fixed weird elementor no products on cart page bug
* Feature - added elementor dynamic options to api integrations
* Fix - fixed bug with faq schema output
* Fix - fixed general settings show items at start
* Feature - added option to get images from current product variations for the dynamic gallery.
* Feature - added preperation for the enhanced ajax search
version 1.5.105:
* Fix: fixed some filters and request related issue
* Fix: fixed specific post and terms select
version 1.5.100:
* Fix: fixed js run for background output not always happend
* Feature: added option to connect the filters to some specific grid group
* Fix: filters was shown only related to grid taxonomies after changing to "all"
* Fix: returned some tiles gallery images that was missing
version 1.5.95:
* Feature: Ensure that the blog displayed on the "Home" page of the plugin is always up-to-date.
* Feature: Implemented support for tags in the widget catalog.
* Feature: Added an option for galleries to play videos in muted mode.
* Feature: Integrated weather forecast data preparation for the widget.
* Fix: Addressed some minor potential security risks associated with the import templates functionality.
* Fix: Rectified email validation for Form Email2.
* Fix: Resolved some issues with the price range filter.
* Fix: fixed the problem where dynamic template styles disappeared after updating Elementor Pro.
version 1.5.84:
-bug fix: added support for webp in the manager
-feature: added twig function csv to json
-change: changed the admin view to new design (added designed header and menu)
-feature: added option to enable animation on swipe to owl carousel js
-feature: added woo mini cart functionality
-feature: added option: "current query as a base" to post selection -> include by
-bug fix: allow fetching images from media library post type for the galleries
-bug fix: don't show first item in filter when no terms available
-change: updated calculators javascript code base
version 1.5.81:
-bug fix: fixed some missing css in the dynamic loop widgets
-bug fix: fixed some child filters related bug
-bug fix: fixed order by price in current query
-bug fix: fixed some php 8.16+ version notices
-feature: added option to print the term meta