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UberMenu - WordPress Mega Menu Plugin

UberMenu - WordPress Mega Menu Plugin 3.8.5

v3.8.5 July 25, 2024
Enhancement: Apply submenu dropshadow settings to all submenu levels
Fix: Positioning for submenu indicators within a dropdown
Fix: Icon Top Layout submenu indicator positioning
v3.8.4 June 19, 2024

Security: Nonce verification for settings management functions to prevent CSRF
Improvement: More robust vertical centering of submenu indicator icons
Fix: Menu Segment Autocolumns
Fix: Allow custom taxonomy terms to 'pass through' [Tabs] block when nesting Dynamic Posts
Fix: Tabs settings in nested dynamic items
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Reactions: MarkDragon
v3.8.3 (May 16, 2024)
Security: Sanitize output to patch XSS vulnerability for [ubermenu-search], [ubermenu_toggle], [ubermenu-col], and [ubermenu_mobile_close_button] shortcodes (requires untrusted user with Contributor+ credentials to exploit). Credit to stealthcopter for discovery - thanks!
Fix: Submenu footer positioning corner case clearance issue on mobile
Fix: Tabs > Dynamic Terms > Tabs > Dynamic Terms > Tabs > Dynamic Terms garbage collection bug
Fix: "Remove Icon" text in menu item settings panel