• The default language of any content posted is English.
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Total - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme

Total - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme 5.14 NULLED

Total Theme v5.14​

Release Date: May 7, 2024
  • Added“Hide If Empty” setting to the WPBakery Row element.
  • Added“Row Stretch Side Margin” setting for WPBakery rows which can be used to add white space on the left/right of a stretched row (it’s not possible to add this setting to the WPBakery Section element).
  • Added“Autoplay Type” option for carousels where you can choose from Default or Smooth. The later being ideal for logo type carousels where you want to display infinite scrolling images.
  • Added“Pause on Hover” on/off switch added for carousels when auto play is enabled.
  • Added“Edit Template” link to the WP Admin Bar whenever you are editing a post that has a dynamic template assigned to it.
  • Added“WooCommerce Notices” element that can be used with your dynamic templates to display notices like Added to Cart, Errors, etc.
  • AddedCustomizer on/off switch for the WooCommerce “Scroll to Notices” on the cart and checkout pages (disabled by default because it’s very annoying).
  • AddedThe Just Events Date and Just Events Time elements are now available in Elementor.
  • UpdatedSlider Revolution to version 6.7.10
  • UpdatedTotal Theme Core to version 1.8.4
  • UpdatedWhen using the Post Cards auto query type it will now use the global $wp_query which prevents extra database hits and works properly with the pre_get_posts hook.
  • UpdatedYou can now insert multiple navigation bar elements to use for a filter and when clicking the “All” button it will only reset the current filter. For example if you wanted to add a filter for tags and a separate filter for categories.
  • UpdatedWhen using the Navigation Bar element as a filter the href values added to each link will now use the term slug instead of the “cat-{ID}” format if possible.
  • UpdatedYou can now use the Milestone element when creating custom cards.
  • UpdatedYou can now select “Current Staff Member” as the “Source” for the Social Links element.
  • UpdatedThe Testimonials Slider element is now available when using WPBakery Slim Mode.
  • UpdatedWhen adding an email as the URL for any item in the Social Links element the theme will automatically add the mailto: prefix if it wasn’t added.
  • UpdatedWhen adding an email as the text or when adding mailto: links in various theme elements and settings, the theme will now obfuscate the emails to help prevent SPAM.
  • UpdatedThe theme will no longer apply the Custom Login settings to the “interim” login popup (the login popup when WP logs you out while in the admin).
  • UpdatedThe theme will now automatically convert Youtube playlist URL’s into embed URL’s for use with the Video element and video lightbox.
  • UpdatedWhen creating a dynamic template for your WooCommerce products the theme will now add the classnames from the ”
    wc_get_product_class” function to the theme’s “custom-singular-template” element which includes the “product” class. This is to allow for easier CSS customization and to provide compatibility with certain plugins that specifically target these classnames.
  • FixedCustomizer issues when using LearnDash.
  • FixedYouTube short URL’s not working with Lightbox when added in various elements.
  • FixedIssue with the Navigation Bar element not displaying the active filter item on page load for the mobile select.
  • FixedAccessibility warning for the WPBakery tabs element regarding the tab role.
  • FixedWPBakery tab content missing the aria-labelledby for accessibility.
  • FixedMilestone element was not counting up when loaded via AJAX in a custom card.

Total Theme v5.12​

Release Date: February 23, 2024
WPBakery 7.4 introduces a new SEO function which we highly recommend against using. Please see our docs on why you should not use the WPBakery SEO tool. We are working on a method for hiding it completely when enabling WPBakery Slim Mode in Total v6.0. For the meantime you can just ignore it as it won't do anything unless used.

Additionally, we've only included version 7.4 of WPBakery and not 7.5 because we noticed a couple small bugs and we want time to fully test the plugin before sending it over and it was just released yesterday.
  • Added Support for our new free Just Events plugin (see docs).
  • Added Code to hide new WPBakery promo pop-ups introduced in version 7.3.
  • Updated Bundled plugins (Total Theme Core, WPBakery, Slider Revolution).
  • Fixed Potential display issue with the Image Slider causing a 1px vertical space.

Total Theme v5.10​

Release Date: October 4, 2023
To keep your site slimmer and faster the default header menu dropdown method has been changed to "CSS Hover" instead of the jQuery based "Superfish JS" script. If you wish to use the older method you will need to go to your Customizer and set it back manually.
  • AddedNew demo Reach.
  • AddedNew [underline] shortcode added making it easier to underline a specific word or part of your text.
  • AddedNew page templates added (Left Sidebar/Right Sidebar and No Sidebar with Page Title Disabled) this way if you’ve disabled the theme settings metabox via the theme panel you can still easily disable the page title by selecting one of the new templates.
  • AddedNew field added to the theme panel’s contact form sidebar widget where you can define a custom field key to use for the email address if you want to send forms on different pages to different addresses.
  • Added“X – Twitter” added as a social profile and social share option.
  • AddedNew “Typography Style” option added to the Heading, Icon Box, Teaser Box & Feature Box elements so you can choose from h1,h2,h3,h4 for your heading typography style (so it can inherit Customized defined settings).
  • AddedNew “Margin Top” option added to the Heading element.
  • AddedCustomizer option added to the WooCommerce > Checkout tab to select the placement for the shipping address.
  • AddedCustomizer option added to the Header > Transparent Header tab to enable “mobile first” design when using a custom breakpoint if you want the transparent header to be visible for small screens only.
  • AddedCustomizer options added to set the Header, Page Header Title, Callout and Footer background image position.
  • AddedCustomizer settings added to enter a custom page header title text for portfolio and staff singular posts.
  • AddedCustomizer section added under the Global Styles for altering list styles (side margin, style, marker position, etc).
  • AddedThe theme’s visibility settings have been added to the WPBakery inner row elements.
  • AddedSetting added to the Theme Panel so you can enable/disable the Image Gallery metabox.
  • AddedOption added to the card builder so you can enter a custom field name for your custom card link.
  • AddedFont Size option added to the Customize > Typography > Buttons tab.
  • AddedYou can now select “currentColor” as a color option for theme element colorpicker fields.
  • AddedAspect Ratio option added to the Teaser, Feature Box and Image Banner elements.
  • AddedYou can now select “Modal Dialog” for the post cards link type which will open a browser based dialog rather then using the Lightbox script and jQuery (slimmer/faster alternative).
  • Added“Unordered and Ordered List” Display Types added to the Post Cards element (primarily for use with the new “Simple Link” card style).
  • AddedOption added to the Post Content element for removing the bottom margin on the last paragraph.
  • AddedCode added to disable the new WPBakery 7.0 “blank/theme template” function that shows up when creating a new page which is very confusing and simply adds more clicking/hassle.
  • AddedNew “Current URL” option added to the Button Link Type options which can be used to add a “refresh” button to your page (useful with custom search/filter functions).
  • AddedNew option added to the Navigation Bar to display “Parent Terms Only” when displaying a term based menu.
  • AddedMore aspect ratio options added to the the Video element.
  • Added“Website” option added to the social links options (Top Bar, widget, element).
  • AddedNew options when creating custom taxonomies with the Post Types Unlimited plugin.
  • AddedNew option added to the Post Types Unlimited plugin to use a “Blank Template” (Landing Page Template) for your post type posts.
  • AddedNew option added to the Post Types Unlimited plugin to select your Dynamic template for the Post Type archive (instead of creating a custom page).
  • AddedNew “Button” and “Simple Link” card styles added.
  • AddedYou can now select “60px” for various element settings (such as the bottom margin option).
  • Added“Text Align” option added to the Image Slider element to control the caption text alignment.
  • Added“Resize Image” option added to the Image Slider element “Thumbnails” tab to enable/disable image cropping and prevent extra images from being generated to speed things up (this setting only displays when the “Thumbnail Carousel” option is disabled).
  • Added“Gap” option added to the Image Slider element “Thumbnails” tab for controlling the spacing when the “Thumbnail Carousel” option is disabled.
  • Added“Use Blank Template” option added to the Custom 404 admin page if you want a custom 404 without the site header/footer and other elements.
  • AddedYou can now set your custom footer using the “Footer Builder” to use the “Dark” surface color scheme via a new “Color Scheme” setting.
  • AddedNew “icon_size” attribute added to the [cart_link] shortcode if you want to modify just the icon size.
  • UpdatedThe WPBakery and Slider Revolution bundled plugins have been updated.
  • UpdatedThe theme now uses css hover as the default option for the Header Menu Dropdowns Method instead of superfish js.
  • UpdatedThe “Heading” element has been updated to use the default font-weight used for headings instead of using a normal font weight by default for consistency.
  • UpdatedYou can now display term based meta on archive dynamic templates assigned to taxonomies. This will work automatically when using the theme’s custom field element or displaying meta via other elements (heading, image, etc).
  • UpdatedThe custom field element will now return a comma separated string for any custom fields that return an an array value (useful for multi select ACF fields).
  • UpdatedThe Image Element has been updated so you can define your fallback image when displaying dynamic images such as the post thumbnail.
  • UpdatedThe Color Palette color picker has been updated to use hex values by default instead of rgb.
  • UpdatedThe on-the-fly image resizing theme class has been updated to support the next version of the ShortPixel plugin.
  • UpdatedThe “Alternate Thumbnail Position” setting for the Post Cards element has been updated to work with custom cards created with WPBakery.
  • UpdatedThe Post Cards “Flex Items / Horizontal Scroll” Display Type has been renamed to “Horizontal Scroll” and a new “Flex Container” Display Type has been added which will allow for “flex-wrap” so that items will stack vertically only if needed. This display type is intended mainly to work with the new “Button” card style so you can essentially display a navigation bar for your posts.
  • UpdatedThe Business Info widget has been updated so links added to the phone/email match your defined link colors and underline settings.
  • UpdatedYou can now enable the “Metabox Media Tab” in the Post Types Unlimited plugin settings when editing your custom post type independently from the “Theme Settings Metabox” setting.
  • UpdatedThe [highlight] shortcode has been updated to prevent issues when used on columns or rows with backgrounds.
  • UpdatedThe [highlight] shortcode now accepts a “bottom” attribute so you can adjust the bottom position.
  • UpdatedWhen using the Post Types Unlimited plugin fields will now hide if they are not needed.
  • UpdatedThe Theme Panel has been updated to hide any settings that require the Total Theme Core plugin if the plugin is disabled.
  • UpdatedThe Theme Panel has been updated to remove the opacity added to disabled settings for accessibility reasons.
  • UpdatedWhen setting the Page Header Title to display the first category for custom post types it will now display the text “Uncategorized” if the post doesn’t have a category instead of reverting to the post title.
  • UpdatedThe feature box element has been updated to allow you to select the image source (featured/custom field/external)
  • UpdatedThe theme’s Gutenberg integration has been updated to remove all the useless CSS files added by WooCommerce if you aren’t using Gutenberg.
  • UpdatedThe theme will now always load the utility framework CSS in the Gutenberg editor regardless of the “Editor Styles” Theme Panel setting so you can make use of the utility classes and properly render theme blocks.
  • UpdatedThe equal heights option in the customizer for the blog, staff and portfolio entries now uses CSS flex styles instead of javascript.
  • UpdatedThe equal heights option in the customizer for the portfolio and staff post types will now apply to related items as well for consistency.
  • UpdatedThe footer callout now has a role attribute value of “region” when giving it a custom aria label via the theme’s accessibility panel.
  • UpdatedYou can now use custom fields for the Social Links element.
  • UpdatedThe Image Banner element is now available when creating custom cards.
  • UpdatedThe Video element has been updated so you can now define your banner image from an “external” source.
  • UpdatedWhen using the [vcex_social_links] shortcode outside of the WPBakery page builder the social links will now display in the order in which they are added in the shortcode.
  • UpdatedThe Post Content element has been updated so it won’t display the “Blocks” option by default (it’s not really needed anymore because Total has an element for everything). There is a new on/off switch you can use to enable this function and of course if you had previously enabled other blocks the setting will display.
  • UpdatedThe wpml-config.php file has been updated to include the Image element title and caption fields for translation.
  • UpdatedThe Teaser element will no longer fallback to the heading text for the image alt tag because it causes accessibility issues.
  • UpdatedThe Video element will now add the loading lazy attribute (setting added to disable).
  • UpdatedThe Video element now supports sharing of YouTube shorts.
  • UpdatedWhen adding custom field based dynamic variables in dynamic templates, custom cards or Templatera they will display as simple text in the front-end editor for easier editing.
  • UpdatedWhen using the Post Cards element and ajax filtering or ajax based pagination the theme will no longer wait for the images to load via the imagesLoaded script unless the grid is using a masonry layout. This can help make it seem like the items are loading faster because they don’t need to wait for images to load fully.
  • UpdatedThe WPBakery Round and Line Charts have been enabled for use with “Slim Mode” because the elements are useful and don’t require any extra CSS.
  • FixedCertain settings were showing up in the Post Types Unlimited settings even if they were disabled globally in the Theme Panel.
  • FixedThe percent based max width row setting was not working if the row had a custom background.
  • FixedThe “No Repeat” setting for the Page Header Title background was not working.
  • FixedThe dotted and diagonal overlay styles for the page header title were referencing the wrong file URL.
  • FixedWhen disabling the built-in staff, testimonials or portfolio post types and then re-adding them via the Post Types Unlimited plugin the single layout was not displaying the correct blocks.
  • FixedThe WooCommerce password show/hide eye icon was not displaying on the login forms.
  • FixedWhen setting the global Page Header Title style to “hidden” it was still displaying on the 404 page.
  • FixedWhen disabling support for the term image for specific taxonomies it would still display the image in the Page Header Title if it had previously been defined.
  • FixedCertain demos could not be imported if they didn’t require any plugins.
  • FixedWhen selecting a custom menu via the theme settings metabox it was not displaying on mobile if the site also had a mobile menu alternative menu location defined.
  • FixedThe customizer background style option for the Page Header Title was not showing when selecting the background image style but a default image was not set.
  • FixedThe Equal Heights option in the Customizer for staff archives was not working as intended.
  • FixedThe Customizer was showing the shopping cart icon as the default icon for the callout button.
  • FixedWhen using text alignments in various elements the text alignment was not changing direction for RTL languages. The theme will now automatically change left to right and vice versa. You can use the “vcex_inline_style_parse_direction” filter to disable the automatic conversion.
  • FixedThe Video element was rendering incorrectly on iPhones.
  • FixedThe Video element was not working correctly with the oEmbed style when the overlay was enabled.
  • FixedWhen using the “WooCommerce Content” element inside a dynamic template set for the singular products it was causing an endless loop due to recent WooCommerce updates.
  • FixedThe Footer Callout Button Icon wasn’t working when using SVG based icons.
  • FixedChanging the Author Bio element bottom margin (default style) was not working correctly due to the default bottom margin added to the theme’s template part.
  • FixedWhen using a custom card built with a stretched row and using ajax pagination the rows were not re-stretching when loading new items.
  • FixedThe Border Radius option was not working properly with the Teaser Box element.
  • FixedWhen setting a left/right alignment for the “Testimonials Slider” the slider thumbnails remained centered.
  • FixedThe “Testimonials Slider” alignment setting was not working correctly with RTL languages.
  • FixedPagination numbers were not rendering correctly in RTL.
  • FixedThe Button element wouldn’t display in the front-end editor when working on dynamic templates and using dynamic “On click” actions. The button will now fallback to a “#” for the URL to make it easier to visualize your template.
  • FixedWhen using the Post Content element in the front-end editor for Dynamic Templates it was not correctly rendering the defined typography or styles.
  • FixedThe custom category thumbnails were not showing correctly in the page header title.
  • FixedThe “Main Page” was not displaying in the breadcrumbs when using the Post Types Unlimited plugin and Yoast SEO.
  • FixedThe Custom Sidebar option for the Post Types Unlimited plugin post type settings was not working as expected.
  • RemovedUnnecessary role attributes have been removed from elements that have implicit ARIA roles and the “Aria Landmarks” setting has been removed from the accessibility panel as it’s no longer needed.
  • Like
Reactions: GhRG87FGH

Total Theme v5.8.0​

Release Date: May 28, 2023
🔥 WPBakery Slim Mode 🔥

There is a new Theme Panel option named "WPBakery Slim Mode" which can be enabled to remove redundant or what we consider to be "useless" elements from WPBakery, hide dynamic elements when editing standard posts/pages and remove the WPBakery Grid Builder post type. When enabled the theme will also remove the default WPBakery js_composer.min.css file and load a custom CSS file with only the core CSS needed (about 94% smaller).

This functionality can also be selectively enabled/disabled via the "totaltheme\integration\wpbakery\slim_mode\is_enabled" filter. For example if there is a specific element you were using but it's only on one or a few pages you can use the filter to disable slim mode on those pages.

Please keep in mind that this is technically a micro-optimization so you don't have to go around and try updating all your sites to use this new setting. But if you do enable it on an existing site you will need to browse around to make sure your site wasn't using any of the removed elements.

  • AddedNew WPBakery “Slim Mode” option added to the Theme Panel.
  • AddedNew Option added to the Dynamic Templates to select a template type for organization (Part, Header, Footer, Single, Archive, Search Results, Error 404). Tagging your dynamic templates makes it easier when selecting templates in the Customizer, Header Builder, Footer Builder or Post Types Unlimited because the fields will display templates based on the setting instead of all templates, but it’s 100% optional. Support for bulk/quick editing your template type has been added to make the process easier!
  • AddedNew “Template Part” element for inserting dynamic templates marked as “Parts” into pages.
  • AddedTop bar added to the admin Theme Panel sub pages to make it more obvious when you are on a Total admin page and moved page descriptions into the “help” tab so they aren’t always visible.
  • Added“Help” tab to the Theme Panel page with useful links to the docs, changelog, themeforest, etc.
  • AddedNew 14 “Overlay” card styles added.
  • AddedNew Customizer tab at Global Styles > Preset Font Sizes where you can change the default theme utility font sizes (sm, md, lg, xl, 2xl…etc) which are used in the theme design but can also be applied in the page builder this way if you use the preset font sizes across the site you can control them globally rather then using fixed sizes across your builder elements.
  • AddedNew “Steps” element added for use with WPBakery.
  • AddedNew “Tribe Events Data” element which can be used to display event data such as start date, end date, formatted date, event cost, location, etc.
  • AddedNew Customizer option added under Header > Logo for adding a custom logo link if you want your logo to go somewhere different then the homepage.
  • AddedNew Customizer option added to Global Styles > Other to control the default bottom margin for p tags.
  • AddedYou can now link to the current post author archive via the Theme Button element.
  • AddedNew dynamic variable added – {{card_running_count}} – which can be used to display the current card number.
  • AddedCode has been added to fix layout issues with the multisite wp-activate.php and wp-signup.php templates and to fix issues with WPBakery shortcodes not loading on these pages.
  • AddedNew “Query Type” options added to the Post Cards element: Related by Taxonomy, Posts by Author or Current Staff Member, Custom Field, WooCommerce Related and WooCommerce Upsells.
  • AddedYou can now display posts via the Post Cards element that have been assigned via the ACF Post Object or Relationship fields using the new Custom Field Query Type.
  • AddedYou can now display related posts via the Post Cards without having to create your own query string, simply select the Related by Taxonomy Query Type then select the post type and taxonomy to pull related items from.
  • AddedThe Bottom Margin option has been added the to the Flex Container and Grid Container elements for consistency.
  • AddedOptions added to the Toggle Group element to remove the first top border and last bottom border.
  • AddedOptions added to the Icon Box, Teaser Box and Feature Box elements so you can toggle lazy loading on/off for the image as well as select a custom fetch priority.
  • AddedNew Blog 22 and Blog List 22 card styles.
  • AddedNew “Image Cover” option added to the Image Banner element which can be used to stretch the image when adding a Minimum Height to the Image Banner and enabling the “Use Image Tag” option.
  • AddedNew Option added to the “Image Banner” so you can now apply the link to the button only and not the whole element.
  • AddedNew Option added to the “Custom Field” element to automatically add P tags to the output.
  • AddedNew Customizer options added to the Header > Mobile Menu tab so you can choose between the default angle style icon or a plus/minus icon for the dropdown toggle icon and set a custom size for it.
  • AddedNew “Image Hover Speed” option added to the Post Cards element.
  • AddedNew “Height” option added to the Image element which can be useful when creating custom cards to set your images to a fixed height regardless of their dimensions/cropping.
  • AddedMore styling options added to the Contact Form element.
  • AddedNew theme.json file added to control Gutenberg styles rather then having to add them via style.css.
  • AddedNew option added to define your video “Poster Image” when assigning self hosted video backgrounds.
  • AddedNew Customizer option added to enable a “Slide Down” animation for the header search replace.
  • AddedWhen Selecting a dynamic template in the customizer the theme will display a notice if the template is blank. Previously the theme would fallback to the default theme template which could cause some confusion.
  • AddedNew options added to the Search Bar element for adding an aria label and enabling the role=”search” attribute.
  • UpdatedWPBakery Page Builder & Slider Revolution plugins.
  • UpdatedVarious code updated to take advantage of newer PHP 8.0 functions and fully qualified function calls.
  • UpdatedPHP version requirement to 7.4 to be consistent with WordPress.
  • UpdatedThe WPBakery Template widget has been renamed to “Template” as you can now select Dynamic Templates and render Elementor based templates.
  • UpdatedYou can now enter a custom font size for the Post Cards title font size option.
  • UpdatedImages displayed via the theme’s on-the-fly cropping now include the decoding=”async” attribute to be consistent with WordPress thumbnails to help speed up the site.
  • UpdatedYou can now select dynamic templates for the Custom 404 page as well as set the page layout and enable/disable the page header title.
  • UpdatedThe Heading element has been updated to include a “Link Type” setting so you have greater control over the heading link.
  • UpdatedThe List Item, Font Icon & Heading elements have been updated to include an “Alternative Character” option for the icon in case you want to display a custom character or icon via a shortcode or dymamic variable.
  • UpdatedYou can now use the Shortcode element inside the Flex & Grid containers.
  • UpdatedYou can now select a link type ACF custom field for the theme button text field.
  • UpdatedYou can now select “Custom Field” or “Featured Image” for the Image Source field in the Icon Box element.
  • UpdatedWhen using the Icon Box element and showing an image with the “Resize Image” option disabled you can now select the “Image Fit” style (None or Cover).
  • UpdatedThe Post Cards element has been updated so when linking to a lightbox image or modal dialog the links added to the cards will include a role=”button” and an aria-label=”” attribute to alert screen readers for better accessibility.
  • UpdatedThe Lighbox dialog now includes an aria-label attribute for accessibility reasons.
  • UpdatedThe javascript used for the Menu Widget accordion is now loaded in its own file and only if needed.
  • UpdatedThe back to top and local scroll links have been updated to change “focus” on click to prevent accessibility issues.
  • UpdatedImproved the javascript for the Header Min-Max font size option.
  • UpdatedWhen using the Redirection option for terms (categories, tags, custom taxonomies) the theme now hooks into the “term_link” filter to modify the links on the front-end to swap the default url for the redirected one. This way links will go straight to the custom redirection rather than running a 301 redirect.
  • UpdatedThe [polylang_switcher] shortcode has been updated to use theme utility classes and now uses flex styles instead of floats.
  • UpdatedThe Button element will no longer fallback to a # symbol for the href. If there isn’t a defined link the button will simply not show anymore. This is to prevent issues when using the button with dynamic links.
  • UpdatedTheme element “Callback Function” fields now display a select dropdown to select from your whitelisted callback functions so you don’t have to remember them.
  • UpdatedUsers with the editor role can now access dynamic templates and custom cards via the “Tools” admin panel tab (these can’t be added under a Theme Panel tab because WordPress will block access to the cpt).
  • UpdatedYou can now use min() and max() CSS functions when entering custom font sizes for theme elements.
  • UpdatedRenamed the “Section Templates” to “Patterns” to be consistent with WordPress naming convensions.
  • UpdatedTweaked the design a bit for the Customizer unit selector so it’s easier to see (the little “px” select that shows up on certain fields).
  • UpdatedRenamed the “Font Icon” element to just “Icon” and updated the Custom Size option to allow you to enter responsive sizes.
  • UpdatedThe Header Aside fields have been updated to support dynamic variables.
  • UpdatedThe CSS used to target the “pre” tag has been updated so that it does not affect the Gutenberg “Verse” block.
  • UpdatedThe Contact Form element has been updated so that the Custom Subject field allows for dynamic variables.
  • UpdatedThe “Header Replace” search style has been modified so it now works with the Transparent Header.
  • UpdatedWhen enabling animations for your header menu dropdowns the animation will now also be added to the search and cart dropdowns for consistency.
  • UpdatedThe “Auto Lightbox” function has been updated to work with webP image formats.
  • UpdatedWhen using the UberMenu plugin if a menu is registered to the header menu the theme will automatically disable the theme’s mobile menu so it can display the UberMenu mobile menu and hide the Customizer menu settings.
  • UpdatedThe “Header Aside” field in the Customizer now accepts Gutenberg block code.
  • UpdatedThe Custom Actions Panel will now parse blocks if you wanted to insert Gutenberg content.
  • UpdatedThe Button typography settings now correctly target Gutenberg buttons as well.
  • UpdatedItalian translations thanks to Manuele from brainybyte.it
  • FixedThe Button element was not parsing dynamic values for the URL field.
  • FixedNot being able to change your blog columns when selecting a custom card style in the Customizer for the blog.
  • FixedWhen using the centered header logo the logo was showing in the mobile menu when loading the site in a desktop then shrinking the browser width to mobile size.
  • FixedThe https://total.wpexplorer.com/docs/changelog/5-8-0/ shortcode was returning the post title instead.
  • FixedWhen selecting a custom card on a per category/tag basis for WooCommerce the option wasn’t working.
  • FixedThe CSS used for the WPBakery stretched rows was not taking into consideration the site “Frame Border” when enabled via the Customizer.
  • FixedThe Product 2 Card style was not property closing the link element and could cause weird layout issues.
  • FixedThe “Text Width” option in the Image Banner element was not working correctly when the “Use Image Tag” option was enabled.
  • FixedThe Border Color option was not working for the Icon Box element when selecting the “Top Icon with Outline” style.
  • FixedVarious theme and total theme core functions were updated for PHP 8.2 to fix deprecated notices.
  • FixedThe Custom Field element was not parsing shortcodes inserted in the custom field.
  • FixedCustom Access functions were not showing up in the WPBakery page builder when editing sections and rows.
  • FixedThere were some layout issues when using the “Inner Column Gap” option on rows and then adding inner rows.
  • FixedWhen using preset card styles with a link around the whole card and enabling videos it would cause the card layout to break.
  • FixedThe Shortcode element was not parsing dynamic variables.
  • FixedThe minimum width option was not working when using Superfish dropdowns for the header menu dropdowns.
  • FixedThe Contact Form element was displaying the word “undefined” for the email subject when a custom subject was not added to the element.
  • FixedThe CSS stretched rows for WPBakery were not working correctly when used with the Header & Footer Builder when the page had a sidebar.
  • FixedWhen enabling “Show in Rest” for the theme’s Portfolio, Staff and Testimonial post types it was not allowing you to set the category or tag when editing a post.
  • FixedDisabling the “Enable Single Post?” option under the Testimonials settings was not working.
  • FixedDynamic Templates were not rendering property when using Elementor as your page builder.
  • FixedWhen adding the Post Cards element to a dynamic template with the “Auto Query” type selected while using Elementor the element was not showing any sample posts.
  • FixedWhen selecting a custom template for the Post Cards modal link if the template was created with Elementor it was not rendering correctly.
  • FixedWhen using sliders inside Toggle elements the sliders were not properly rendered.
  • RemovedThe top bar social links no longer include the title attribute because it causes a “Redundant title text” error when testing for accessibility.
  • RemovedThe option under Theme Panel > Custom 404 to redirect all 404 errors to the homepage has been removed. This was a popular thing to do in the past but its no longer recommend and actually a bad idea for SEO reasons.
  • RemovedThe “dashes” added to the mobile menu sub-items has been removed for a cleaner more modern look.

Total Theme v5.7.0​

Release Date: January 24, 2023

If you are currently having issues with the Include/Exclude terms option for the Post Cards element please log into your site and delete and re-install the Total Theme Core plugin and it will install a patched version with the fix.
  • Added New “Dynamic Templates” tab added under Theme Panel where you can create your dynamic templates instead of using Templatera (supports WPBakery, Gutenberg and Elementor)
  • Added New “Dynamic Variables” functionality (see docs).
  • Added “Post Gallery” and “Custom Gallery” query types added to the Post Cards element so you can display images using cards.
  • Added “Callback” query type to the Post Cards element so you can select your whitelisted callback functions and not have to remember them.
  • Added New “Star Rating” element added which can be used to display a custom rating or the current post/product rating.
  • Added Whatsapp and Telegram have been added to the Social Share options.
  • Added New option added to the Image element to display the current post’s primary term/category thumbnail.
  • Added You can now trigger lightbox elements from the URL.
  • Added New option added to the Post Cards element so you can enter a custom date format to override the default card date format.
  • Added You can now choose between h1 or span for the default page header title HTML tag in the Customizer.
  • Added New option added to the Navigation Bar so you can change the background when it’s sticky.
  • Added New option added to the Navigation Bar so you can exclude specific terms when displaying a taxonomy based menu.
  • Added New option added to the Navigation Bar so you can set a custom “All” text when displaying a term based filter.
  • Added New option added to the Navigation Bar so you can display only child categories when displaying a taxonomy based menu.
  • Added New option added to the Navigation Bar so you can display child terms from the current taxonomy (for use with dynamic templates).
  • Added New options added to the Image Before & After element to choose between outline or solid styles, to modify the colors and border thickness.
  • Added New “source” option added to the CountDown element so you can now display a countdown based on a custom field (useful for dynamic templates and custom cards – maybe for events or deals).
  • Added The Self Hosted Video, Overlay Background and Advanced Parallax options have been added to the WPBakery Columns.
  • Added “Mountains” and “Wave Brush” section divider styles.
  • Added New “Toggle” card style available.
  • Added You can now select “Card Thumbnail” for the Image element source.
  • Added New Customizer option allows you to select the theme’s local scroll behavior when jQuery Easing is disabled (smooth, instant or auto).
  • Added You can use the classname “has-term-{{primary_term_id}}-background-color” in the WPBakery row “Extra class name” field to set the row background to the current post’s primary term (category) color.
  • Added CSS to target the Gutenberg Loop “Pagination” block.
  • Added “Post Card” block added for use with the Gutenberg “Loop Query” element so you can use the theme Card designs in your custom block loops.
  • Added “Widget Title” block added to support the Gutenberg Block Editor so you can add titles to your sidebar or footer widgets that match the Customizer Settings if you don’t want to use the Classic Widgets plugin.
  • Added New Customizer setting added so you can select the sidebar placement on mobile, when stacked (Before Content or After Content).
  • Added New “Hidden Fields” option added to the Newsletter Widgets and Newsletter Gutenberg block.
  • Added New “Product Entry: Thumbnail with Secondary Hover” option added to the WooCommerce Template Part element.
  • Added You can now set the Custom Field html tag to “code, pre, blockquote, ins, del or strong”.
  • Added You can now set the html tag for the list item element (div, h2, h3, h4, et)
  • Updated The Header Builder, Footer Builder and Dynamic Templates now work with Gutenberg (although we don’t really recommend it since Gutenberg is VERY buggy)
  • Updated You can now use the Staff Social element when creating custom cards.
  • Updated You can now add shortcodes for the Post Cards element “No Posts Found Message” incase you wanted to display a custom template when no posts are found (good for search pages).
  • Updated You can now add the classname “no-stretch” to mega menu items to prevent them from stretching when using the “Full-Width” megamenu Customizer option and header style one.
  • Updated The Sidebar Mobile menu will no longer prefix the “fas” classname so if you are displaying FontAwesome icons in the menu they will still show up in the mobile menu.
  • Updated The lightbox function has been updated so when you open an element in lightbox the site in the background can’t be scrolled.
  • Updated Custom Cards created via Theme Panel > Custom Cards will now display at the top of the Card select dropdown.
  • Updated When creating a custom 404 page, the page will include a noindex tag to prevent indexing by search engines and will be excluded from the Yoast SEO sitemap automatically.
  • Updated The CSS used for the Custom Login Page “Center Form” option has been updated to use flex styles to fix some responsive issues and make sure the form is correctly centered.
  • Updated The Gutenberg “Separator” element has been updated so the design matches the theme design for consistency.
  • Updated Video backgrounds, parallax backgrounds, overlays and section dividers are now added before inner content to remove the need for custom indexes which slims down the CSS and prevents some conflicts.
  • Updated The theme now removes the “classic-theme” CSS file from the site, which for some reason WordPress thought it should be loaded on every site.
  • Updated When using the “Active Term” and the Ajax grid filter via the Navigation Bar element, the theme will now reset the default “Include Terms” option in the Post Cards element to allow you to setup a filter where you have an active category but the other categories can still load items not related to the default active term.
  • Updated When using the “Active Term” option in the Navigation Bar element with the Ajax Filter, the theme will no longer add an “All” option to the list.
  • Updated When using the “Active Term” option in the Navigation Bar element, the active term will be moved to the front so it’s the first item in the navigation bar.
  • Updated The Demo import will now display a tag on the top right of each item to let you know if the demo requires a specific builder (WPBakery, Elementor or Gutenberg) – currently we only offer WPBakery demos but we may consider adding Gutenberg/Elementor based demos in the future if we get requests for this.
  • Updated Custom “Access” functions added via a child theme will now display in a select dropdown for the WPBakery Section and Row elements so you don’t have to remember them.
  • Updated The Navigation bar element when used as a show/hide or masonry filter will now use the link as the filter term if it starts with a # symbol. For example if you add a link using #tag-1 the filter will display any items that have the classname tag-1. This will allow you to create custom filters that aren’t necessarily related to built-in taxonomies.
  • Updated You can no longer select standard pages for your Header/Footer builder templates (if you had previously set one don’t worry they will still work, this only applies when setting the value for the first time).
  • Fixed There were issues with rendering styles assigned via the WPBakery CSS fields when displaying custom cards via the new ajax filter.
  • Fixed Mobile menus were not rendering correctly when using the Dev header style.
  • Fixed The Image Banner had some weird hover issues in Safari when using the “Zoom” hover style and a border radius.
  • Fixed Table styles were not being applying correctly when using Gutenberg due to recent changes in WP 6.1.0
  • Fixed Table styling issues with Gutenberg in the latest version of WP.
  • Fixed Textarea custom fields created with ACF were not showing up in the Custom Field element select dropdown.
  • Fixed The Post Cards element “No Posts Founds Message” was not showing up.
  • Fixed When Editing a custom Post Card via the WPBakery front-end editor the theme wasn’t showing any placeholder content for the WooCommerce Template Part element.
  • Fixed The theme’s .pot file was using a capitalized “Total” instead of “total” for the name which could cause issues with translation plugins.
  • Fixed When opening Inline Content via lightbox the page would jump in the background.
  • Fixed The Featured Image background option was not working for WPBakery columns when creating custom Cards.
  • Fixed There was a Safari bug where table th elements would center align.
  • Fixed The Navigation Bar element mobile select option was not selecting the active page.
  • Fixed The mobile menu wasn’t rendering correctly when using the “Mobile Menu Alternative” option.
  • Fixed The Social Links Widget had some rendering and saving issues when using the Gutenberg block widget editor.
  • Fixed The debug notice in the Widgets dashboard when using the Gutenberg blog editor has been fixed.
  • Fixed Added a fix to prevent canonical and meta title errors with paginated pages when using Yoast SEO (fixes a plugin bug).
  • Fixed The “Total – Sticky Header Two, Three & Four” extension was not working as expected after the last update.
  • Fixed The theme was adding local scroll classes to the WooCommerce product tabs causing the page to jump when clicking on product tabs.
  • Fixed The Navigation bar when set to sticky was going over the sticky menu for header styles two, three and four.
  • Fixed When using the Classic Editor plugin set to allow users to switch between Classic or Gutenberg the theme was not loading it’s custom blocks or the front-end Gutenberg CSS for posts set to use Gutenberg.
  • Fixed The Gutenberg Separator element custom background color wasn’t working.
  • Fixed The css for the theme Color Palette color classes was not being loaded in the Gutenberg editor.
  • Fixed The Gutenberg button had some styling issues from recent WP updates that caused the button to not properly match theme styles.
  • Fixed The WPBakery “plus” icon shown at the bottom of columns was sometimes hard to click on.
  • Fixed When using the Navigation Bar element and AJAX Filter with the “Active Term” selected, the filter grid was only sorting by items from the active term rather than filtering by all available terms.
  • Fixed Images sometimes wouldn’t display when using the Gallery Image Slider, Image Grid or Image Slider elements when set to display images from a custom field.
  • Fixed The “Blog List 2” card style was not rendering correctly as a list.
  • Fixed The Flex Basis setting wasn’t working correctly when using the Post Cards element set to the “Flex Items” display type and the “Gap” option was set to 0px.
  • Fixed The CSS added to the Image Before/After element was not include in the CSS animation.
  • Fixed Custom Cards were not translatable with Polylang.
  • Fixed Dynamic Templates assigned to archives were not showing the correct template based on the active language when using translation plugins (WPML/Polylang).
  • Removed The Italian language files have been removed since it was brought to my attention that the files contained more incorrect translations than correct translations. If anyone has a good Italian translation and is willing to share please let us know!

v5.5.1 - September 10, 2022​

This is a hotfix for the bigger 5.5 update.
  • FixedCustom menu dropdown padding Customizer option was not working.
  • FixedCarousels not displaying the correct number of items on mobile.
  • FixedIssues with the single block filters (such as wpex_portfolio_single_blocks) that could cause issues when used via a child theme with array_combine