• The default language of any content posted is English.
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    Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use.
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The Plus Addons for Block Editor Pro

The Plus Addons for Block Editor Pro 3.3.2 NULLED

Version 3.3.2
  • Added : Container : Stay In Container option add in Sticky option.
  • Fixed : Accordion : Default Active Option Type Bug Fix.
  • Fixed : Anything Carousel : Site Editor Bug Fix.
  • Fixed : Attributes Options : Convert Field Type String to Number.
  • Fixed : Taxonomy Listing : Block Editor Get Lists API Bug Fix.
  • Fixed : Navigation Builder Menu : Mobile Menu JS Click Event Bug Fix
  • Fixed : Bugs and Improvements
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289
Version 3.2.8
  • Added : Coupon Code : Animated Copy Icon Option
  • Fix : Accordion : iOS Devices Bug Fix
  • Fix : Switcher : iOS Devices Toggle Bug Fix
  • Fix : Carousel : Splide Slider Dots CSS Conflict With kadence Slider block
  • Fix : Social Feeds : Multi-Bytes Bug Fix
  • Fix : Social Reviews : Multi-Bytes Bug Fix
  • Fix : Navigation Builder : Off Canvas Vertical Menu Css Bug Fix
Version 3.2.7
  • Update : Post Listing : Display Post Option Increase Maximum limit
  • Fix : Post Listing : Option Selector Bug Fix
  • Fix : Flip Box : Image Size Bug Fix
  • Fix : Table Of Content : Front Css Bug Fix
Version 3.2.5
  • Added : Dynamic Field : Improve Custom Add Dynamic Field & Dynamic Field Get Data add Filter.
  • Fix : Post Listing : Dynamic Selector Missing Bracket CSS Bug Fix.
  • Fix : Product Listing : Filter Tags select Bug Fix.
  • Fix : Carousel : Splide JS Keyboard Navigation Bug Fix.
  • Fix : Navigation Builder : Responsive Mega Menu Resize JS Bug Fix.
  • Fix : Count Down : Content Background Dynamic CSS Bug Fix.
  • Fix : Testimonial : Content Limit Bug Fix.

Version 3.2.0​

  • Added : Display Rules : Compatibility of ACF Fields Ex. Text, Checkbox, Select, Button Group, Radio, etc.
  • Compatibility : Post Navigation : Compatible with The Event Calendar
  • Fix : Navigation Builder : Alignment Bug
  • Fix : Accordion : Compatibility with equal height and Bug
  • Fix : Anything Carousel : Dots Bug
  • Fix : Dynamic Values : Product Price : Field Bug
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289