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Soledad - Multipurpose, Newspaper, Blog & WooCommerce WP Theme

Soledad - Multipurpose, Newspaper, Blog & WooCommerce WP Theme 8.5.3 NULLED

Update Soledad Version 8.5.3 – July 05, 2024
Update Soledad Version 8.5.0 – May 06, 2024
  • Featured Added: Include a navigation edit button within the Customizer to facilitate easier navigation to edit locations. Check out this image for reference.
  • Featured Added: Provide an option to modify the post’s modified date and freeze the modified date upon editing a post.
  • Featured Added: Introduce an option to utilize the img tag instead of a background image for post layouts. This can be accessed via Customize > General > General Settings.
  • Featured Added: New option to enable full-width functionality for the Mega Menu Builder.
  • Improve: Enhance the loading performance of category mega menus by default, utilizing Ajax loading. Users can disable this feature via Customize > Logo & Header > Category Mega Menu > Use AJAX Loading for Category Mega Menus
  • Improve: Enhance the HTML structure of category mega menus to improve SEO.
  • Improve: Some minor issues.
Update Soledad Version 8.4.8 – April 01, 2024
  • Featured Added: Options to manage all the links on the website. You can select to add rel attribute for all links, select open links in new tab, new window…etc You can check the options for it via Customize > General > Links Manager
  • Featured Added: New Weather widget inside Appearance > Widgets. Now, you can easily to add weather to your sidebars.
  • Featured Added: Enhance the Weather widget by incorporating several new captivating animations. This will make the Weather widget more engaging and visually appealing.
  • Featured Added: Add a new button to the Weather widget. Clicking it will fetch the current weather based on the user’s location.
  • Featured Added: Introducing 4 new category mega menu styles! You can now select and experience these new styles by navigating to Appearance > Menus > editing the menu items you’ve set to display category mega menu. You’ll find the option to change the category mega menu style there.
  • Featured Added: Introducing two additional positions: Top and Bottom, to display child categories within the category mega menu.
  • Improve: We’ve enhanced the logic for retrieving child categories data in the category mega menu. The updated logic is as follows: If the selected menu item displayed as a category mega menu has child menu items, a list of these child menu items will be displayed within the category mega menu. If there are no child menu items, the child categories of that category will be displayed (this was the previous logic).
  • Update: Update “Penci Shortcodes & Performance” plugin.
  • Improve: Some minor issues.
Update Soledad Version 8.4.6 – February 29, 2024
  • Featured Added: Thumbnail video preview on hover featured images. Let’s edit a post and scroll down then you can see this new feature.
  • Featured Added: 3 new styles for Blockquote. You can check it via Customize > Single Posts > General > Blockquote Style.
  • Featured Added: 4 new styles for Next/Prev Post Navigation. You can check it via Customize > Single Posts > General > Next/Prev Post Navigation Style. And you should check to “Show Post Thumbnail on Next/Prev Post Navigation” to see the different between styles.
  • Featured Added: Custom URL after users logged in via Popup: Customize > TopBar > General Settings > Redirect to a custom URL after logging in.
  • Featured Added: A new plugin “Penci Google Analytics Views” – it’s a plugin to help sync pageview data from Google Analytics to your WordPress. If you want to sync Google Analytics pageview, let’s install this plugin and check the options for it via Customize > Google Analytics Page Views.
  • Featured Added: New option to order posts based by most viewed posts in 24 hours.
  • Featured Added: Add copy button for share selection text. You can check this new button via Customize > Single Posts > Share Selection Text.
  • Featured Added: Option to enable sticky columns for Container from Elementor.
  • Update: New Google Fonts from Google Fonts Library
  • Update: Update Woocommerce Templates.
  • Improve: Some minor issues.
Update Soledad Version 8.4.5 – January 22, 2024
  • Featured Added: 4 new related posts styles – you can change it via Customize > Single Posts > Related Posts
  • Featured Added: Sponsored posts options – edit a post then scroll down – you can see the options for sponsored posts.
  • Featured Added: Make your post content more interesting with new heading styles inside post content – adjust it via Customize > Single Posts > General > Custom Style for Heading 1 Inside Post Content. Then other heading styles there.
  • Featured Added: New element “Penci Custom Heading” for Block Editor – when write the content by use Block editor ( Gutenberg Editor ), search for element “Penci Custom Heading” and you will see it.
  • Improve: Some minor issues.
Update Soledad Version 8.4.3 – November 21, 2023
  • Featured Added: New widget ”.Soledad Stylisted Articles Count” ( in Appearance > Widgets ) – a great style for highlight the order of posts.
  • Featured Added: New widget “Penci Stylisted Articles Count” for Elementor & WPBakery.
  • Featured Added: New widget ”.Soledad Categories Stylist” ( in Appearance > Widgets ) – a great new widget to showing categories on the sidebar in a different way.
  • Featured Added: Sticky Sharing for Single Post Pages – please check option for it via Customize > Single Posts > General > Turn on the Sticky Share
  • Featured Added: Share Selection Text – helps the users can selected text & share those text to social media. Please check options for it via Customize > Single Posts > Share Selection Text.
  • Featured Added: Apply collapse for archive description: in case the archive description text is too long, it will be showing a “read more” button to help users can collapse & expand it.
  • Improve: Improve the “Advanced Categories” widget & add new option to enable toggle open/close the child terms
  • Improve: Sync Soledad Custom Fonts into Elementor list fonts
  • Improve: Update WooCommerce Templates.
  • Improve: Some minor issues.
Update Soledad Version 8.4.1 – September 19, 2023
  • Update plugins:
    • Penci AI Smartcontent Creator
    • Penci Recipe
  • Improve: issues some cases can’t be create content with plugin Penci AI Smartcontent Creator by overload API from OpenAI.
  • Improve: validate rich results of recipes follow new recommended from Google.
Update Soledad Version 8.3.9 – August 23, 2023
  • Featured Added: We have replaced the old Twitter icon with the new X Twitter icon.
  • Featured Added: Users can now follow categories. Please update both the theme and the “Penci Bookmark & Follow” plugin to access this feature. For those who have previously installed this plugin, you need to insert the shortcode: [pencibf_follow_term_list] into the bookmark page to display the “Follow Categories” section.
  • Featured Added: The option to rearrange the order of social media icons via Dashboard > Soledad > Order of Social Icons. Simply drag and drop the social media icons to reorder them according to your preference.
  • Featured Added: Explore the new Author Box Style 5. You can access this option by navigating to Customize > Single Posts > General > Author Box Style.
  • Featured Added: Introducing the new Elementor widget called “Penci Taxonomy Listing.” This widget allows you to display the terms of any taxonomy, such as showcasing all Post Categories or Post Tags.
  • Featured Added: You now have the option to deactivate the user profile page rendering by the theme, in case you prefer to utilize the profile page provided by a plugin.
  • Featured Added: An option has been added to delete posts from the front-end. To access this feature, please update the “Penci Front-end Submission” plugin.
  • Update Plugins:
    • Penci Bookmark & Follow
    • Penci Front-end Submission
    • Penci Live Blog
    • Penci Soledad Demo Importer
  • Improve: Some minor issues.
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289
Update Soledad Version 8.3.8 – August 02, 2023
  • Featured Added: The new exclusive plugin “Penci Live Blog” – This is a plugin that allows you to create a “Live Blog” – automatically updating news from a football match or live events, enabling your readers to receive the latest updates without having to refresh the article.
  • Featured Added: New query option for Elementor Woocommerce widgets – “Recent Viewed Products”. Now you can select to showing “Recent Viewed Products” from Elementor Penci Widgets.
  • Improve: Some minor issues.