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Shopo eCommerce - Multivendor eCommerce Flutter App with Admin Panel & Website

Shopo eCommerce - Multivendor eCommerce Flutter App with Admin Panel & Website 3.9.4

Date 26-11-2023 : Version 3.9.4
Update - Backend/ADMIN
- POS ( Point of Sales) System Added
- Add new customers from POS
- OTP for Add new customers from The POS
- Add new Product From the POS
- Order Status Change
- Invoice Editing
- Bulk Order Status Change
- Add new Product from Invoice / Order Edit
- Increases and Decrease Product Quantity from Invoice.
18-June-2023: Version 3.7.0
- Social login option added
- Theme color change option added
- Seller's new product create issue fixed
- Awaiting product approval by admin issue fixed
13-May-2023: Version 3.6.0
Over All Functionality Update Log:
- Delivery Man Management
- Order Assign to Delivery Man
- Delivery Man Dashboard Added
- Delivery Man Payment Withdraw
- Delivery Man Review
- Real-Time Chat Option Between Customer and Delivery Man
- Delivery Man Mobile App
- Delivery Man Registration on the Website

Front End Update Log
- become seller feature update
- design fixing
- code refactoring

User App Update Log
- Parsing/data type issues fixed.
- Wishlist parsing issue fixed.
- Shipping address modified based on price, quantities, and weight.
- Become Seller request feature added
- code optimization