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Rey - Fashion & Clothing, Furniture

Rey - Fashion & Clothing, Furniture 3.0.0 NULLED

v3.0.0 Rey Theme Rey Core​

30 Jul 2024
  • Improvements:
    • Added new demo – Lagos (preview);
    • Added new demo – Warsaw (preview);
    • Added shortcode to include an Inline Image inside a heading;
    • Fancy menu, added option to control items distance;
    • Updated Revolution Slider to its latest version (v6.7.15);
    • Product item short description, added option for position;
    • Added “most wishlisted” Leaderboard in Woo Analytics;
    • Added “most wishlisted” query type in Product Grid;
    • Added “Top favorite” label for products;
    • In cart page, on mobiles, added a bottom sticky “Proceed to checkout” button;
    • Instagram Feed widget, added extra query and customisation options;
    • Blurry Slider, added option to set custom arrow icon;
    • Cover Split, added option to flip content with image;
    • Grid and Carousel widgets, new layout for developers (Custom Code);
    • Product badges, added text tooltip for Image type;
    • Brands attribute, added support for showing image preview in backend table list;
    • Updated Google Fonts list;
    • Added notice for the template library when importing a template which uses Containers, but they’re disabled in Elementor’s settings;
    • Variation Swatches in catalog, position after Price;
    • Blurry Cover, control social icons size;
    • Blurry Slider, new arrows position layout (side);
    • Product Categories/Attributes widget support for dropdown;
  • Fixes:
    • Compatibility with Optimized Controls option in Elementor;
    • Max quantity not keeping itself in cart (when adding more);
    • Mini-cart showing empty quantity field sometimes;
    • Button animated Icon effects, compatibility with latest Elementor changes;
    • Current Query (Original) in Product Grid not working anymore;
    • Tooltips in filters panel still showing up;
    • Some widgets custom icon control not working properly;
    • Request quote, fixed compatibility with WPForms;
    • Filters counter in Category pages;
    • Elementor legacy php error;
    • Compatibility with WooCommerce Measurement Price Calculator;
    • Left margin for Add to cart button when Quantity disabled;
    • Checkout layout blank in Customizer;
    • Sticky add to cart bar, long titles pushing content;
    • Menu navigation widget, Categories not working with Vertical submenus;
    • Header Container in full width mode, side paddings not applying;
    • Wishlist popup’s Add to cart button not being clickable sometimes;
    • RTL scrollbar positioning in Mini-cart;
    • Product page global section stretch;
    • Embed video in product description and product blocks;
    • Wrapped skin with Product categories titles;
    • Wishlist products not refreshing when removing products;
    • Revolution Slider widget with v7 engine;
    • Gallery arrows display on mobile/desktop;
    • SideSlide cover, animated header entry fix;
    • Product Guide button, added loading state;
    • Posts widget thumb size if changed in Customizer;
    • Elementor widgets search not showing “rey” badge;
    • Heading animation on parent hover, not working for non-linked heading;
    • Stamp widget and RTL layouts;
    • Proto skin, bottom labels not showing;
    • Customizer Icons not showing in Chrome;
    • Container, mobile offset option not working;
    • Carousel offset padding in editor mode, not working;
    • ACF filters compatibility with Cyrillic characters;
    • Rey’s custom templates compatibility with Relevanssi;
    • Menu widget, vertical mode with multiple columns code optimisation;
    • Button widget’s icon animation options, compatiblity with latest Elementor;
    • Support for videos in Grid widget;
    • Product Grid widget with ACF field selected, in Category pages;
    • Export global sections not working anymore;
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289


21 Nov 2023
  • Improvement: Out of stock variation swatches faded by default, but clickable;
  • Fix: Videos in lightbox causing an overlapping error;
  • Fix: Gallery images not showing sometimes;
  • Fix: Products lightbox image sometimes stay stuck when opened;
  • Fix: Wishlist “favorite” icon not showing on product pages;
  • Fix: Inline search on mobile, form not showing sometimes;
  • Fix: Replaced Twitter icon with X;
  • Fix: Mobile related product shifts;
  • Fix: Catalog product slideshows, not showing images properly on mobiles;


17 Nov 2023
  • Improvement: Product gallery, added option to control auto-height transition;
  • Improvement: Product Gallery accessibility improvements;
  • Fix: Product’s second image shows the 3rd instead;
  • Fix: Cover Split, mobile problem with Prevent image cutting enabled;
  • Fix: Extra variation images problematic when having same main image and variation image;
  • Fix: Sometimes Woo’s notifications don’t show the icon;
  • Fix: Quantity select list, update maximum based on stock quantity;
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289


5 Sept 2023
  • Improvement: Before/After widget more customisation style options;
  • Improvement: Product Grid widget, support for ACF field as Query type;
  • Fix: Checkout, Shipping first, sometimes shipping fields is not updating delivery cost;
  • Fix: Container stretching;
  • Fix: Active filter widget not showing up sometimes;
  • Fix: Wishlist Share link;
  • Fix: Wishlist tooltip in Account panel overlapping button;
  • Fix: SKU search not working properly for parents only;
  • Fix: Text link animations for the Text Widget were not applying anymore;
  • Fix: Carousel & Grid, in Custom Content mode with Card global section;


17 Aug 2023
  • Improvement: Added Before/After widget for Elementor;
  • Improvement: Carousel added auto-scroll option for continuous animation;
  • Improvement: Custom sidebars, added control to make sidebar override Shop page;
  • Improvement: Double Slider, added option to wrap slide with link;
  • Improvement: Menu widget in Categories skin, ability to exclude categories;
  • Improvement: Checkout form, scroll to first invalid field when submitting form;
  • Fix: Sometimes Carousel images don’t set a width/height attribute;
  • Fix: Unable to save in Customizer in certain conditions;
  • Fix: Loop teasers not showing in Custom templates on Product Categories;
  • Fix: Tabs migration issue if using global section shortcode;
  • Fix: Exclude categories from Shop page not working sometimes;
  • Fix: Cart counter not showing the correct counter if site is cached;
  • Fix: Current query (original) fixed pagination;
  • Fix: Product Grid Current query, sorting not working sometimes;
  • Fix: Filters on product page redirect to Shop page;
  • Fix: Product Grid widget in Cross-sells mode, added option to feed from current product;
  • Fix: SKU search for both Parents & Variations, only showing variations parent;
  • Fix: Pitchprint compatibility with Rey’s checkout images script;
  • Fix: Menu element, hide svg icon inside if dropdown is disabled;
  • Fix: Price range widget, checkboxes;
  • Fix: Product Categories/Attributes widget, dropped dependency of Ajax filter module;
  • Fix: Sometimes After added to cart shows incorrect error notice;
  • Fix: Apply filters button loading animation not visible when used in Top Bar;
  • Fix: Discount badge in price not showing sometimes when used in Product Grid;
  • Fix: Double Slider cover, upwards navigation;
  • Fix: Buy now button’s background and text color not changing;
  • Fix: Heading’s special show/hide on parent hover not showing on mobiles;
  • Fix: Custom tabs migration script not properly migrating under certain conditions;
  • Fix: CSS refresh when changing Elementor’s features settings;
  • Fix: Deprecated PHP notice;
  • Fix: Checkout fields validation incompatibility with a custom fields plugin;
  • Fix: In Stock filter sometimes returning opposite results;
  • Fix: Immediate wishlist counter load (if products exists);
  • Fix: Minicart quantity control disable to improve compatibility with some plugins;
  • Fix: Page cover carousel not updating when filtering products;
  • Fix: Better compatibility for Carousel with product categories card template and dynamic tags;
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289


15 June 2023
  • Improvement: Added Size Guide Button element for Custom template;
  • Improvement: Added Label display option for Attributes, to stretch or inline a swatch label;
  • Improvement: Add to cart widget (for product page), added stock display and customisation controls;
  • Improvement: Product page Tabs widget, added heading style controls;
  • Improvement: Customizer control to disable product page’s special style;
  • Fix: Compatibility with WooCommerce 7.8.0;
  • Fix: Importer Ajax responses sometimes breaks due to deprecated PHP messages;
  • Fix: Mini-cart getting stuck on a 10vw value;
  • Fix: Submenus of Menu Nav. not showing on mobiles inside of a Mega menu;
  • Fix: Dropdown filters spacing and stretching visual issues;
  • Fix: Reviews Count & Link widget, not applying stars color;
  • Fix: Duplicated price and Add to cart button in specific setups;
  • Fix: Loop quantity input not listening manual change events;
  • Fix: Estimated delivery, deprecated strftime notice;
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289


20 May 2023
  • New: Added a new demo importer, which is much lighter and performant;
  • New: Added a new plugin manager, lighter and independent of external libraries;
  • New: Added new product catalog item skin – Minimal;
  • New: Added new product catalog item skin – Aero;
  • New: Added new module – Size Guides;
  • Improvement: Split Slider added button styles control;
  • Improvement: Custom hook for of overriding Quickview content with a template or custom content;
  • Improvement: Added control in theme settings to hide some admin links from Rey’s menu;
  • Improvement: Remove page custom logos when it has changed globally in Customizer;
  • Fix: Product subtitle in product page, only rendering as “p” (paragraph);
  • Fix: Product page custom tabs, not overriding titles in Accordion mode;
  • Fix: Included “address 2” in Custom checkout “Ship to/Bill to” box;
  • Fix: Rey quick menu not showing up anymore in Editor toolbar;
  • Fix: Wishlist tooltip inside of a carousel;
  • Fix: Menu items with icons are stretched out;
  • Fix: Trigger widget image, support for dynamic image;
  • Fix: Variable price showing large gap in catalog;
  • Fix: DIscount badges in variable products, better display;
  • Fix: Variation Swatches margins adjustments;
  • Fix: Hotspots, Add to cart button fix to open Mini-cart;
  • Fix: Product grid load more, fixed offset problem;
  • Fix: 360 gallery not visible on mobile gallery;
  • Fix: 360 gallery not visible on mobile gallery;
  • Fix: Variations quantity values in mini-cart;
  • Fix: Wishlist counter when removing all;
  • Fix: Polylang compatibility fixes with ajax requests;
  • Fix: Product Nav, modified where post clause to disable post date comparison;


8 May 2023
  • Fix: Variations form not changing variation_id in certain conditions;
  • Fix: Before/After Add to cart button, unable to disable Global sections per product.
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289


13 Apr 2023
  • Improvement: Removed “Font Preload” option from the theme settings, in favour of internal ways of avoiding duplicated font loading. Replaced it with a selector for Font Weights & Font Subsets to have more control over font performance;
    In case you spot font-weight problems, please access the theme settings and select the weight you previously had ex: https://d.pr/i/s8if0k (or select All, although it’s not recommended for some font families).
  • Improvement: Streamlined Cart panel customizer options into accordions
  • Improvement: Added controls for Cart panel to include custom content before, after or before the totals;
  • Improvement: Mini-cart panel, added vertical list of products;
  • Improvement: Cart panel, added controls for changing Checkout button color;
  • Improvement: Custom Checkout layout, added option to disable steps;
  • Improvement: Distortion cover, new controls to disable delaying & animation on first slide;
  • Improvement: Better loading of Svg icons in JS scripts to avoid extra Ajax requests;
  • Fix: Ordering in Product Archive element;
  • Fix: Sometimes synced carousel don’t work;
  • Fix: Columns control on Containers, not working with Boxed layout;
  • Fix: Sometimes price slider is not updating in certain conditions;
  • Fix: Elementor editor mode, Custom CSS buttons sometimes don’t work;
  • Fix: Mini-cart quantity hidden if Product page Quantity is also hidden;
  • Fix: Button element with Rey’s Add to cart enabled, show dynamic regardless if product is selected;
  • Fix: Custom fields display in mini-cart, showing on same row;
  • Fix: Top sidebar on mobile when showing after title;
  • Fix: Request a quote not working sometimes with WPForms.