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Rank Math SEO PRO - WordPress SEO Plugin

Rank Math SEO PRO - WordPress SEO Plugin 3.0.83 NULLED

v3.0.75 November 13, 2024​

v3.0.74 October 30, 2024​

  • Improved: Space is now supported in the Find & Replace field of the Image Replacements
  • Fixed: Replacements for captions were not working when the caption tag had no attributes
  • Fixed: Display Based on Conditions was working only after removing the default condition

v3.0.73 October 16, 2024​

v3.0.72 October 3, 2024​

v3.0.71 September 18, 2024​

v3.0.70 September 4, 2024​

v3.0.68 August 8, 2024​

v3.0.67 July 24, 2024​

  • Fixed: Autogenerate Image was generating duplicate thumbnails when updating a post with a video link in custom fields
  • Fixed: Age-restricted videos were incorrectly being marked as Family Friendly in the auto-generated Video Schema