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Porto | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Theme

Porto | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Theme 7.4.3 NULLED

Version 7.2.3 (10.1.2024)

- Updated: Revolution Slider plugin to version 6.7.19
- Fixed: Background video in the WPBakery Row element not displaying on Safari browser
- Fixed: Styling issue with the active status of the "Description" accordion tab on single product pages
- Fixed: Minor JavaScript issue in WPBakery’s frontend and backend editors
- Fixed: Display conditions not being properly removed after deleting blocks in Porto Page Layout positions
- Fixed: "Style 1" option under Theme Options -> WooCommerce -> Product Archives -> "Add to Cart Notification Type" not functioning with the default product type
- Fixed: JavaScript error related to shortcodes in the frontend TinyMCE editor
- Fixed: "Quick Shop" functionality not working correctly for variable products with identical variation prices
- Dev: Added "porto_infinite_scroll_behavior" JavaScript trigger for loading posts in "/wp-content/themes/porto/inc/lib/infinite-scroll.js"
Version 7.2.2 (9.26.2024)

- Fixed: Porto Elementor block rendering issues with Elementor 3.24
- Fixed: Porto Conditional Rendering incompatibility with Elementor's element cache feature
- Fixed: Minor styling issue with the color picker control in the WPBakery editor
- Fixed: Products being added to the cart multiple times when the lazyload menu is enabled and AJAX add-to-cart is disabled
- Fixed: "Add to Cart" functionality for variable products not working on shop pages when using the "span" tag instead of the "a" tag for the button
- Fixed: Display conditions not being removed correctly after deleting blocks in Porto Page Layout positions
Version 7.2.0 (9.23.2024)
+ Added: New WPBakery Demo Furniture Store – Shop 49
+ Added: New Elementor Demo Furniture Store – Shop 49
+ Added: New WPBakery Demo Electronics Store – Shop 50
+ Added: New Elementor Demo Electronics Store – Shop 50
+ Added: New Shop Subpages About Us, Contact Us and so on
+ Added: Responsive design options on WPBakery Editor
+ Added: Development Mode to hide the builder tooltip
+ Added: Woo Feature: Compare products function on Shop 49
+ Added: Woo Feature: Quick Shop on Shop 50
+ Added: Woo Feature: Add to cart for bundled products
+ Added: Woo Feature: Price Filter with Chart on Shop page
+ Added: Woo Feature: Auto update cart function on Cart page
+ Added: Woo Feature: Sticky Add to cart on mobile
+ Added: Woo Feature: preview column for WooCommerce swatch function on 'Edit Product Attributes' page
+ Added: Woo Feature: Redirects to Cart, Checkout page when catalog mode is enabled
+ Added: Elementor Layout Feature: Stretch Container function to control the layout easily
+ Added: Elementor Layout Feature: Stretch Section function to control the layout easily
+ Added: Header Builder Feature: New Settings Dialog for Header Builder
+ Added: Header Builder Feature: Header type option(Side Header, Absolute Header) on meta fields
+ Added: Header Builder Feature: Side Header position, Side Header Width
+ Added: Header Builder Feature Toggle dropdown menu widget on Header Builder
+ Added: Header Builder Feature: WPBakery design options tab to header builder widgets
- Logo Widget
- Switcher Widget
- Menu Widget
- Mobile Menu Widget
- Mini-Cart Widget
- Search Form Widget
- Wishlist Widget
- Account Widget
- Compare Widget
- Social Widget
+ Added: Sticky header options to builder widgets Screenshot
- Sticky header padding Option to WPBakery Row Widget, Elementor Container Widget
- Background color and gradient options to WPBakery Row Widget, Elementor Container Widget
+ Added: Global sidebar width Option to theme options
+ Added: Performance Feature Disable mobile animations in Optimize Wizard
+ Added: Show hover Option to toggle dropdown menu widget and menu widget on Header Builder
+ Added: Toggle on homepage Option to toggle dropdown menu and menu widget on Header Builder
+ Added: Focus carousel Addon to WPBakery Single Image Widget and Hotspot Widget
+ Added: Focus carousel Addon to Elementor Advanced tab
+ Added: Hide block on mobile menu
+ Added: A link to edit a menu block with Elementor Page Builder on Appearance > Menu
+ Added: New menu options, Theme Options, to dashboard menu
+ Added: Page Builder step to Setup Wizard for improving the UX
+ Added: New menu options, Prebuilt Websites, to dashboard menu
+ Added: Label to Porto Elementor Widget
+ Added: Accordion Close Function for single product data tab on mobile
+ Added: Overflow Option to Marquee element
+ Added: Show Featured image meta field to page post type
+ Added: Aria-label to arrow buttons of main menu and mobile menu for improving the SEO
+ Added: Author Dynamic, Current Logged-in-user Dynamic function
+ Added: Full width Option to Logo, Menu, Side menu Widget for side header
+ Added: Dots style option to carousel
+ Added: Border-radius to Button Widget
+ Added: Spotify to social icons
+ Added: Line clamp Option to Gutenberg Porto Heading Widget
+ Added: nofollow Attribute to Gutenberg Porto Button Widget for improving the SEO
+ Added: Background color Option to Progress Bar Widget
+ Added: A Theme option to display GTIN, UPC, EAN or ISBN in single product page

- Updated: Compatibility with PHP 8.3
- Updated: 1 Demo to Full Site Editing
- Updated: Side header to work as sticky
- Updated: Side header and absolute header to be set individually
- Updated: Scrolling in Quickview so as to work regardless of the height of product image or description text
- Updated: Dummy text of empty menu
- Updated: Dummy text of empty mobile menu
- Updated: Search form Widget so as to improve Header Builder
- Updated: Search form Widget base style
- Updated: RTL of sidebar menu and side menu
- Updated: Menu Widget to improve Header Builder
- Updated: Mobile Menu Widget to improve Header Builder
- Updated: Switcher Widget to improve Header Builder
- Updated: Mini-cart Widget to improve Header Builder
- Updated: Side Menu Widget to improve Header Builder
- Updated: Wishlist Widget to improve Header Builder
- Updated: Compare Widget to improve Header Builder
- Updated: View switcher and top navigation style for WooCommerce
- Updated: Switcher UX and mobile toggle icon UX for Elementor preview and WPBakery frontend editor
- Updated: Menu Widget UX to automatically open submenu when editing it in Elementor Preview
- Updated: UX in Search Form, View Switcher, Account Widget to automatically open submenu when editing it in Elementor Preview
- Updated: Position function to show submenu to the left, right, center or justify
- Updated: Dependency of menu settings on Appearance > Menu
- Updated: Moved theme options to the corresponding builder widgets like Menu, Search form and Switcher widgets
- Updated: UX in creating the builder as for page builder
- Updated: Single product builder Widgets
- Updated: Product tab Widget with various style options
- Updated: Single product page using Photoswipe lib instead of magnific popup
- Updated: Mobile UX of single product image with ElevateZoom
- Updated: Actions and filters of single product image wrapper and style of related products
- Updated: Filter of thumbnail size on single product image
- Updated: Display condition style on Elementor editor top bar
- Updated: Compatibility with Elementor editor admin top bar
- Updated: 360 degree function for FSE mode
- Updated: Image external link arg in 7 Elementor widgets like image compare, info box and so on
- Updated: Image and icon style Option of Info box Widget
- Updated: Section margin Option to responsive control on Countdown Widget
- Updated: To show the display condition in WPBakery backend and frontend editor
- Updated: To always save with ajax in WPBakery backend editor
- Updated: UX of editing the shop page
- Updated: Video thumbnail
- Updated: Swatch settings to image
- Updated: Reduced DOM node counts of swatch
- Updated: Single product swatch design and shop sidebar style
- Updated: Swatch design of Gutenberg Editor
- Updated: Number control design of post metabox
- Updated: Description style of Redux Framework control
- Updated: Lazyload image on Redux Framework
- Updated: Split js, css from Swatch admin
- Updated: UX of side header for Elementor preview and WPBakery frontend editor
- Updated: To skip the lazyload image
- Updated: Twitter X label
- Updated: UX of Theme option > WooCommerce
- Updated: Structure of Theme option subsections
- Updated: Description of Theme option > Auto height
- Updated: Moved from Theme Option > Skin > Custom css to Theme Option > Custom css
- Updated: The order of header type image on Theme option
- Updated: Hide the Header Builder Type Option on FSE mode
- Updated: Catalog mode
- Updated: Grid/List toggle to link from COOKIE
- Updated: Splitted actions from single product and Cart, Checkout page
- Updated: Splitted Yith Compare js for performance
- Updated: Studio alert box when not installed plugins like Yith Wishlist, Yith Compare, Yith FBT
- Updated: Editor area width for Elementor preview and WPBakery frontend editor
- Updated: Compatibility with Elementor Nested Tabs
- Updated: Builder tooltip style including font size
- Updated: Schedule timeline Widget
- Updated: Step Widget style
- Updated: Removed all custom css when remove the sections on Elementor
- Updated: Contact form options for telephone input type
- Updated: Dependency of image select control of WPBakery
- Updated: Compatibility with Woo variation swatch plugin
- Updated: Compatibility with Woo Variation swatch pro plugin
- Updated: Compatibility with Woo additional gallery plugin
- Updated: Compatibility with YITH WooCommerce Featured Video
- Updated: Min width value of Sticky sidebar widget
- Updated: Various studio blocks
- Updated: WPML
- Removed: 'Edit with Elementor' link on post type builder
- Removed: Header theme options of Search Form, Switcher

- Fixed: Style option issues with widget when page headers are duplicated
- Fixed: To hide wishlist link on account page when Yith Wishlist is not installed
- Fixed: Owl dot style issue when font size is increased
- Fixed: Grouped product style issue on single product page
- Fixed: Elementor widget text editor issue
- Fixed: Compatibility issue between scroll-up sticky header and transition effect
- Fixed: Bootstrap tooltip issue
- Fixed: Marquee RTL issue
- Fixed: Wishlist popup RTL issue
- Fixed: Submenu position issue for wide menu
- Fixed: Elementor pro shop builder compatibility
- Fixed: Hint style option on Redux Framework
- Fixed: RTL issue of admin warning message
- Fixed: RTL issue of col-half section
- Fixed: Align issue of swatch Widget in Post Type Builder
- Fixed: Php issue of Redux Framework
- Fixed: Mini cart inline style issue for WPBakery Frontend Editor
- Fixed: To always show sidebar on product tag page
- Fixed: Archive title of the product tag page
- Fixed: Width and height value of Logo theme option
- Fixed: Compatibility with Yith Wishlist new version
- Fixed: Compatibility with Yith Compare new version
- Fixed: Issue between category filter and pagination on Product Archive page
- Fixed: WPML issue with Porto block
- Fixed: Issue which colorpicker control of Yith Ajax Product Filter doesn't work
- Fixed: To always show the studio button on Gutenberg Editor
- Fixed: Js issue of editor area width due to the latest WPBakery Page Builder
- Fixed: Porto Shortcodes of TinyMCEditor
- Fixed: Issue with header type change on Theme Options
- Fixed: Scroll viewport issue in Personal Portfolio 1
- Fixed: Pre-order issue
- Fixed: Responsive font size of Hot label
- Fixed: Dark mode style when resetting variations
- Fixed: Product list Widget style of wishlist popup
- Fixed: Margin issue of Breadcrumbs' path
- Fixed: Dokan compatibility
- Fixed: Infinite scroll issue with Elementor Pro
- Fixed: Skin color system issue of Redux Framework
- Fixed: Footer reveal issue with contact form plugin
- Fixed: Tag cloud style issue of Horizontal filter layout
- Fixed: To regenerate the Elementor post css file whenever save the theme options
- Fixed: Button hover color of Porto Price Box
- Fixed: Issue which does not show meta of recent post on FSE mode
- Fixed: Border color of Top Menu Option on toggle menu
- Fixed: Dimension style issue of WPBakery
- Fixed: Demo import not working properly with Elementor 3.24 cache feature
- Fixed: Some urls not importing properly when importing demos
- Fixed: Loading unused css files related some Elementor widgets
- Deprecated: Porto VC addon
- Deprecated: Visual Composer Page Builder
- Deprecated: print_emoji_styles function
- Deprecated: Thumbnail preview image of Menu
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289
Version 7.1.16 (9.11.2024)
+ Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce 9.3
- Fixed: WCML Currency Switcher not working on ajax actions
- Fixed: WCML Currency Switcher not working when there are 404 error requests in the page
- Fixed: Page Layout meta boxes not working for Blog page
- Fixed: Minor php errors in the functionality plugin
Version 7.1.15 (9.2.2024)

+ Added: Compatibility with WPBakery Page Builder plugin version 7.9
+ Added: "rel" attribute to the "Next" and "Previous" buttons in the shop page pagination for SEO
- Updated: Language files
- Fixed: Optimization issues when rendering Porto Elementor Blocks
- Fixed: CSS rendering issues related to post type builder when using Dynamic Tags in Porto blocks
- Fixed: Plural text display issue in multilingual setups
- Fixed: Issue with the "Save" button not functioning on the Blog page within the WPBakery backend editor
- Fixed: Minor PHP issue in woocommerce/myaccount/form-login.php
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289
Version 7.1.14 (8.21.2024)

+ Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce version 9.2
- Updated: Slider Revolution plugin to version 6.7.18
- Fixed: Compatibility issues with WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency plugin when the WPML plugin is not installed
- Fixed: Compatibility issues with the Wholesale For WooCommerce plugin
- Fixed: Compatibility issues with the Free Downloads for WooCommerce plugin
- Fixed: Rendering issues with the Elementor premium minicart template
- Fixed: WPML compatibility issues in rendering portfolios, members, and events pages
- Fixed: The time display in the product sale timer when sale end times are identical across all variations on the variable product page
- Fixed: Issues with custom fonts and dynamic content-related styles not loading properly in Porto Elementor Blocks
- Fixed: Incorrect time display on initial view in the Porto Countdown Timer element when utilizing different time zones
- Fixed: Functionality of the Porto Divider Elementor widget in the Footer Builder
- Fixed: Instances of the WooCommerce sidebar not rendering on Product Tag pages
- Fixed: ACF fields are not displayed in dynamic tags for pages built with Porto Template builders
- Fixed: Term's ACF fields are not rendering properly on the frontend
- Dev: The porto_multi_lang_post_id function to accurately retrieve the appropriate page ID when using multi-language plugins
Version 7.1.13 (8.5.2024)

+ Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce 9.2-beta1
- Updated: Enhanced the Porto products filter element to display the price symbol consistently within price steps
- Updated: Improved compatibility with the WooCommerce Currency Switcher plugin in the Porto products filter element
- Updated: Removed VisualComposer plugin in the recommended plugins list of Porto Setup Wizard
- Fixed: Resolved a PHP error in the Porto products filter element when products are priced below 1
- Fixed: Addressed style issues with the RGBA color picker's alpha attribute input box in both WPBakery Backend and Frontend editors
- Fixed: Corrected the persistence of WooCommerce block styles after enabling the "Disable WooCommerce Gutenberg Blocks & YITH Blocks" option in the Porto speed optimization wizard
- Fixed: Made the Tel Input type style editable in the WPBakery Porto Contact Form element
- Fixed: Rectified the positioning issue of the Porto icon element when utilized in the header builder
- Fixed: Adjusted the style of the "Order Again" button on the My Account -> Orders page
- Fixed: Resolved the positioning issue of the Wishlist Offcanvas popup
Version 7.1.12 (7.29.2024)

+ Added: Compatibility with WPBakery 7.8
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder plugin to version 7.8
- Fixed: Compatibility issues with the Popup Maker plugin in the Type Builder widget
- Fixed: Porto templates builder widgets not loading after accessing "Site Settings" in the Elementor page editor
- Fixed: Various WPML compatibility issues in page meta boxes
- Fixed: PHP issues arising when salt keys do not exist
- Fixed: "Load More" button malfunctioning on shop pages after filtering products via AJAX
- Fixed: Z-index conflicts on the shop page when using "Wishlist Offcanvas" alongside the "Filter Toggle Sticky Bar"
- Fixed: RTL style inconsistencies in the "Wishlist Offcanvas"
- Fixed: Image gallery types not loading correctly on single product builder pages
- Fixed: Minor PHP warnings
- Fixed: Product limit issues with Porto products shortcodes when an empty value is provided
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289
Version 7.1.10 (6.30.2024)
+ Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce 9.1.0 beta version
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder plugin to version 7.7.2
- Updated: Revolution Slider plugin to version 6.7.14
- Updated: Single Product Gallery Zoom effect to be opened on double touch event on mobile
- Fixed: Mega menu's full width option not working for some Elementor demos
- Fixed: Poster image not functioning in product video thumbnail popup
- Fixed: Images popup and zoom effect not working in single product gallery on mobile
- Fixed: Style issue of collapse feature in Elementor sub container