• The default language of any content posted is English.
    Do not create multi-accounts, you will be blocked!
  • Information: Safety & Support
    Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use.
    Consider buying licenses to support developers. Your security is our priority.
= 3.6.4 (2024-07-29) =

* Pro: Fix infinite loop with WP 6.6 when the locale fallbacks include the main locale of a language
* Pro: Prevent saving the main locale among the locale fallbacks of a language
* Pro: Hide the characters consumption graph when the DeepL cost control is deactivated
* Add Yoast SEO social title and social description to the strings translations
* Fix incorrect page on front and page for posts translations when the option is saved with admin language filter active

3.6.3 (2024-06-18)​

  • Pro: Fix locale fallback for translations loaded just in time (requires WP 6.6)
  • Allow to pass an array as context to icl_register_string() #1497
  • Fix admin bar search menu in WP 6.6 #1496
  • Fix a regression in the usage of the filter pll_flag #1489

3.6.2 (2024-06-03)​

  • Pro: Fix XLIFF files not correctly imported when exported from older version than 3.6
  • Pro: Fix translated categories not assigned to translated post when using machine translation
  • Pro: Fix \'lang\' param not applied for secondary queries during a REST request
  • Pro: Fix newlines for content edited in classic editor and translated with DeepL
  • Pro: Fix a conflict with the Stream plugin on multisite
= 3.6.1 (2024-04-09) =
* Pro: Fix ACF fields not swown after a post was translated with DeepL
* Remove rewrite when registering the language taxonomy #1457
* Fix search block not filtered when displayed as button only #1459
* Fix current language not kept when using switch_to_blog() in multisite #1458
== 3.6 (2024-03-18) ==

* Requires WP 6.2 as minimum version
* Add compatibility with WP 6.5
* Pro: Add DeepL machine translation for posts
* Pro: Add export and import in XLIFF 2.0/2.1 formats
* Pro: Improve translator comments in exported PO files
* Pro: Allow to export JSON encoded post and term metas in XLIFF files
* Pro: Allow to export block sub-attributes in XLIFF files
* Pro: Add footer notes block to XLIFF files
* Pro: Single files are now exported directly instead of inside a zip
* Pro: Reworked the language switcher navigation block
* Pro: Fix language switcher navigation block justification not aligned with core settings in overlay menu (requires WP 6.5)
* Pro: Fix a race condition which could lead to display a notice to the wrong user
* Pro: Fix a conflict with ACF when rewrite rules are flushed with WP-CLI on a multisite
* Pro: Fix import of several metas with same sources but different translations
* Add filter `pll_cookie_args` to filter the Polylang cookie arguments #1406
* Fix wrong translated post types and taxononies after a `switch_to_blog()` #1415
* Fix a minor performance issue for the page for posts #1412
* Fix a JS errors after quick edit. Props @mcguffin #1435, #1444
* Fix a possible warning in view-translations-post.php #1439
= 3.5.4 (2023-02-06) =
* Pro: Fix an accessibility issue int the navigation language switcher block
* Pro: Fix featured image not exported for posts with blocks
* Pro: Fix a conflict with the Flatsome builder
* Fix a notice when using system CRON. Props arielruminski #1397
* Fix an edge case where a wrong post tag may be assigned to a post #1418
= 3.5.2 (2023-10-25) =

* Pro: Fix terms not filtered by the current language in the block editor custom taxonomy component panel
* Fix incorrect rewrite rules leading to error 404 for the main site on mutisite #1375
= 3.5.1 (2023-10-17) =
* Pro: Fix terms not filtered by the current language in the block editor custom taxonomy component panel
* Pro: Fix fatal error when using plain permalinks on multisite
* Pro: Fix rewrite rules incorrectly refreshed when saving strings translations
* Fix incorrect rewrite rules leading to error 404 on mutisite #1366
* Fix fatal error when using symlinked MU plugins that are not in open_basedir #1368
= 3.4.6 (2023-09-13) =
* Pro: Security: Fix unsafe custom style injection in navigation language switcher block