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PixelYourSite PRO - WordPress Plugin

PixelYourSite PRO - WordPress Plugin 10.4.3 NULLED

PixelYourSite Pro 10.4.3​

23 August, 2024​

  • New option regarding Google Tags user data with support for multiple user values (up to 3 email addresses, up to 2 address fields).
  • Fix related to the URL parameters events trigger logic.
  • Security improvement related to the API logs. Now access is restricted based on the plugin’s permission settings. Only user types with permission can download the logs.

PixelYourSite Pro 10.4.0​

23 July, 2024​

  • Trigger events based on page view numbers. The new trigger supports conditions like the page view number, URLs, or URL parameters.
  • New log options for Google Measurement Protocol events.
  • New options allowing WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads reports related data.
  • Fixing various small bugs and warnings.
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Reactions: edgars221289

PixelYourSite Pro 10.1.3​

30 April, 2024​

  • Unifying Google Tags IDs options for WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads.
  • Adding two new crawlers to the excluded list, ClaudeBot or SeekportBot.
  • WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads Advanced Marketing events will now follow the Purchase event firing options.
  • Compatibility with the Fox WooCommerce Currency Switcher plugin.
  • Compatibility with the Handsome Checkout plugin.
  • Fixing other small bugs and code improvements.

PixelYourSite Pro 10.1.1​

27 March, 2024​

  • Improvements in how we track Meta Conversion API fbc parameters.
  • Google Ads conversion label will be added to the event instead of triggering a separate conversion.
  • Changes regarding ConsentMagic cache option.
  • Small code improvements and bug fixing.

PixelYourSite Pro 10.0.0​

12 Feb, 2024​

  • Introducing support for Google Consent Mode V2 via the ConsentMagic plugin.
  • Introducing new Google Consent Mode V2 filters that other consent plugins can use.
  • A new option to fire Google Tags with the consent mode parameters with value granted, is recommended for websites that have consent plugins that block the tags before consent is given.
  • Improvements on how we send enhanced conversion for Google Ads when the conversion is configured with custom events.
  • Fixing a possible issue related to hiding tags when the URL contains functionality.
  • Fixing a possible issue related to hiding the tag for a session when the landing URL contains some URL parameters.
  • Code improvements and small fixes.

PixelYourSite Pro​

7 Feb, 2024​

  • Fix for a bug related to Google Tags custom events manes not being saved all the time.
  • Fix for a possible issue with the event_id when multiple Meta Pixels with CAPI are configured.
  • Fix for a possible error, PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function PixelYourSite\AjaxHookEventManager

PixelYourSite Pro​

24 Jan, 2024​

  • Fix for a possible error triggered on some, E_ERROR was caused on line number 1088
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Reactions: edgars221289

PixelYourSite Pro​

October 7, 2023​

  • Fixing small issues that could result in some warnings reported by the WordPress Health Status feature.
  • Declaring compatibility with WooCommerce 8.3
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Reactions: edgars221289