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MultiSaas - Multi-Tenancy Multipurpose Website Builder (Saas) [byteseed]

MultiSaas - Multi-Tenancy Multipurpose Website Builder (Saas) [byteseed] 2.4.0 NULLED

Date: June 31st, 2024

Version: 2.4.0

[added] Upgraded from Laravel 9 to Laravel 10 for enhanced performance, security, and new features.
[added] Added support for Paymob Payment Gateway for seamless and secure transactions.
[added] Integrated PowertranzPay Payment Gateway for robust payment processing capabilities.
[added] Introduced support for Awdpay Payment Gateway to offer diverse payment options.
[added] reported bug fixed
Date: November 29, 2023

Version: 2.1.1

[added] some media file added in mediaSeed

[fixed] Newspaper header left sidebar collapse button not worked issue [fixed] general basic setting minor modified
[fixed] Minor changes on TenantDemoDataSeederMethod
[fixed] static font removed
[fixed] breadcrumb issue fixed
[fixed] Tenant-demo-data.json file missing issue fixed.
[fixed] WidgetFooter demo data serialised issue fixed.
[fixed] General/Color Settings issues fixed.
[fixed] General/Application Settings after app_name change site down issue [fixed] Landlord er General Settings/Basic Settings site down issue fixed.
Date: November 20, 2023

Version: 2.1.0

[added] hotel module and theme support added
[added] added option to upload theme from admin panel

[fixed] minor bug fixed related to tenant website create
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289
Date: November 16, 2023
Version: 2.0.0

[added] Hotel Booking Module (Plugin + Theme [premium])
[added] blog reply features added
[added] new settings added in general settings
[added] application settings added in admin panel
[added] webp support added
[added] Contact form without map addon added and working on blog comment reply
[added] Header mask Image and hand image show/hide option added for donation

[fixed] subscription renew Issue fixed
[fixed] product name type change column modified
[fixed] image gallery tab issue fixed
[fixed] Donation single page design issue fixed
[fixed] shop filter and attraction design issue fixed
[fixed] eCommerce Modules issues fixed
[fixed] theme visibility issue fixed
[fixed] widget builder error fixed
[fixed] Event payment log dataTable issue fixed
[fixed] Worked on Service category filter issue
[fixed] related products price mismatch issue fixed
[fixed] Category product filter issue fixed
[fixed] default SMTP option added for tenant
[fixed] manual payment gateway issue solved
[fixed] Product variant Price not change, select all attribute issue fixed
[fixed]product details page product variant issue
[fixed] blog summerNote old value note formatting issue fixed
[fixed] Expired date null issue fixed on Quick Tenant create
[fixed] multilang added on footer widget and some more modificaton
[fixed] Worked on wedget Area
[fixed] blog data is not saving issue solved
[fixed] fixed new language not adding 500error issue
[fixed] email template issue solved
[fixed] ecommerce addon padding not working from page builder
[fixed] Menu target action issue fixed on MenuBuilderFrontendRender
[fixed] Product title and subtitle visible issue solved on shop page
[fixed] shop page image size issue fixed
[fixed] buy now button ,server error issue fixed
[fixed] language controller validation issue solved
[fixed] product image slider showing gallery image even if there are not image issue solved
[fixed] product title, description not showing issue resolved
[fixed] custom domain invalid domain, validation issue fixed
[fixed] user dashboard coupon 500 error fixed
[fixed] barber shop responsive navbar issue resolved
Date: 7 July 2023
Version: 1.2.4

[fixed] fixed SEO related issue for static page of landlord and tenant
[fixed] appointment admin panel view button.
[fixed] button showing login, if url not found button will not show
[fixed] 404 page issue
[fixed] payment gateway seeding issue fixed
[fixed] appointment module payment page flash msg show option added
[fixed] barber shop js issue fixed
[fixed] data seeder widget data error issue solved
[fixed] 404 page custom css support added
[fixed] blog route with www not working issue solved
[fixed] tenant theme setting update
[fixed] IsManualPamyment trait created and manual_payment issue modified
[fixed] admin landlord newsletter page error fixed
[fixed] Manual_payment issue fixed and invoice button visibility condition added
[fixed] widget seeder unserialise data issue solved
[fixed] donation home page header demo data edit issue solved
[fixed]version update added in seeder file
Date: 1st July 2023

Version: 1.2.2

[added] New barber shop theme (Feature Added)
[added] Appointment & Booking System (Feature Added)
[added] Tenant Instruction system (Feature Added)
[added] Demo data settings of appointment and page builder (Donation home)
[added] Theme set and import system (Feature Added)
[added] Bank transfer and manual payment separated (Feature added)
[added] Plugin Manage (Feature Added)
[Fixed] Bug Fixed
Date: 17 April 2023

Version: 1.2.0

[added] Payment log history (Feature added)
[added] Custom Theme Development Support (Feature Added)
[Added] Custom Plugin Development Support (Feature Added)
[Added] Custom page builder addon development Support (Feature Added)
[Addon] Custom Widget Builder Addon development support
[Added] Added 04 new payment gateways (Toyyibpay, Authorize.net, Pagali, Sitesway) (Feature added)
[added] Demo data partial edit option (Feature added)
[added] Free package auto approval enable/disable (Feature added)
[added] Login to user dashboard from admin (Feature added)
[added] Image imports as placeholder
[fixed] Other bug fixed
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221
Date: 10 March 2023
Version: 1.0.6

[Added] Portfolio Theme
[Added]. Software Farm Theme
[Added] Wedding Theme
[Added] Photography Theme
[Added] Landlord Blog Feature Added with comment system
[Added] Landlord Notification System
[Added] All new theme images has been given in theme module as link via (Mega)
[Added] Custom package add/assign feature added
[Added] Newsletter Subscribe/Unsubsribe feature added
[Added] Coupon Feature Added (landlord can enable/disable from payment settings)
[Added] Wallet feature added with auto renew system.
[Added] Cronjob logs, user activity logs in login-logout and other logs organized all in one module.
[Added] Header Slider added (Tenant side)
[Added] Subscription Cancel System (landlord can enable/disable from plan settings)
[Added] Regenerated the language data

[Added] Two Factor Authentication Feature Added
[Added] Page settings updated.
[Added] Dynamic Email templating feature system added.
[Added] Landlord can make limit of zero plan (feature added)
[Added] Manual database setup feature added (if root user and password not uses)
[Added] File uploading system feature added in (knowledgebae/article theme)
[Added] One time price plan and payment system feature added (In wedding theme)
[Added] Preview is available with click in theme image while trial or order (feature added)
[Added] Landlord can set feature how many payment gateway will get tenant (Feature Added)
[Added] Feature added of re-arranging system of subscription plan (prices)
[Added] User activity and other logs deleting feature added

[Fixed] Custom domain status issue fixed.
[Fixed] Price plan module issue fixed
[Fixed] Admin Panel Style and responsive with Rtl Issue Fixed
[Fixed] Language Issue fixed with clear information in admin panel on language module.
[fixed] others untracked issues fixed
Date: 22 January 2023

Version: 1.0.4

[added] Business Agency Home Added
[added] Newspaper Home Added
[added] advertisement module added
[added] Storage System Added
[added] Custom Font System Added, now user can disable google fonts instead can use any custom fonts
[added] Default theme and language setting
[added] Other user friendly features
[added] settings added for set default logo, admin username, password, theme set by landlord for tenant
[fixed] all reported bug fixed