• The default language of any content posted is English.
    Do not create multi-accounts, you will be blocked!
  • Information: Safety & Support
    Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use.
    Consider buying licenses to support developers. Your security is our priority.

7.2 – Sep 16, 2024​

NEW: GPT o1-preview & o1-mini Models Added
NEW: Bolt Theme (Paid)
NEW: Share Chat (Extension)
NEW: AI Assistant Training
NEW: Focus Mode (Paid Extension)
NEW: Core and Ultra models added to Stable Diffusion
IMPROVEMENT: AI Product Photography Extension Update
IMPROVEMENT: Chatbot Setting & Training Update
IMPROVEMENT: Magic Marketplace - Cart System
IMPROVEMENT: Formatted Text in AI Editor
IMPROVEMENT: Styling Improvements
FIX: AI Writer Stream Issues
FIX: Stable Diffusion Model Issues
FIX: Plans - Default AI Model Issue
FIX: Plans - Teams Plan
FIX: Saving AI Chat Categories
FIX: Favourite AI Chat Templates

7.1 – Aug 18, 2024​

NEW: Flux Pro
NEW: AI Assistants API on Chat
NEW: Code quality tool: Laravel Pint
NEW: Code testing tool: PestPHP
NEW: Feature/Unit tests
IMPROVEMENT: Hide DALLE option added on AI Image
  • Like
Reactions: Super

6.6.2 – Jul 31, 2024​

IMPROVEMENT: Removed provider name from TTS voices
IMPROVEMENT: Various UI improvements
FIX: Resolved TTS voices problem
FIX: Fixed Gemini generation issues

6.5.2 – JUL 18, 2024​

FIX : Multiple confirmation mail issue
FIX: Dashboard announcement dark background color
FIX: OTP issues
FIX: Team card issue

6.3.0 – JUN 28, 2024​

NEW: Notification System
FIX: Admin Dashboard System

6.0.1 – MAY 17, 2024​

Fix: AI Chat Export issues (PDF & Text)
Fix: AI Article Wizard last step bug
Fix: Generated image count decreasing bug
Fix: UI issues
Fix: User API keys input showing based on default engine

5.8.0 – MAY 3, 2024​

NEW: Gemini API
NEW: Azure TTS integration
NEW: Pages able to be listed on footer
NEW: Google 2FA
IMPROVEMENT: Enhanced Cloudeflare R2 integration
FIX: Resolved TTS generation issue for certain languages with OpenAI

5.4.1 – MAR 20, 2024​

FIX: Documents not deleting
FIX: Handle 'server error' when try logging in with non registered account
FIX: Coupon apply problem fixed
FIX: Email templates title and subject
FIX: Stripe pay button
FIX: Issue saving chat template without category
FIX: Chatbot showing in frontend even if active only in dashboard
FIX: Install extension

5.4 – MAR 13, 2024​

NEW: Custom chatbots for users
NEW: Chatbot training for users (free extension)
NEW: Wordpress Integration (paid extension)
NEW: Cloudflare R2 Storage (paid extension)
TWEAK: Huge Performance Update
TWEAK: Refactored Structure
TWEAK: Improved Webchat (free extension)
TWEAK: Chatbot training with docs and link
TWEAK: Skeleton loader for AI Image
TWEAK: Email newsletter
FIX: Newsletter (extension)
FIX: Real-time data on AI Chat
FIX: AI YouTube functionality
FIX: Voiceover Pagination
FIX: Scroll issues on AI Chat
FIX: Marketplace uninstall functionality
FIX: Mobile real-time button