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Listeo - Directory & Listings With Booking - WordPress Theme

Listeo - Directory & Listings With Booking - WordPress Theme 1.9.67 NULLED

Version 1.9.67
  • FIX
    Another even better fix for “upcoming events” sorting 🙂
  • FIX
    Fix for missing filename on upload type input in My profile and Add Listing form
  • FIX
    Fix for time slot picker showing past time slots (it was ignoring timezone setting before)
  • FIX
    Fix for upcoming booking notification
  • FIX
    Fix for paid Claim listing with Subscription package type
  • FIX
    Fix for expiring listing notification for listings that are not published
  • FIX
    Fix for wrong rating filter
  • NEW
    If you allow user to change role, it will use Vendor role instead of Owner if Dokan is installed
  • NEW
    Listeo Owner Widget has now option to be used in Classified Listing
  • FIX
    Fix for duplicated description on listing taxonomy archive
  • FIX
    Fix for region term not showing on single listing view
  • NEW
    Filter to change the top button “Add Listing” url, example:

  • Code:
    add_filter('listeo_submit_page', 'listeo_submit_page_change');
    function listeo_submit_page_change($submit_page)
        $submit_page = 99; // where 99 is the page id you want to use   
        return $submit_page;

  • FIX
    Fix for a shortcode function name that could cause a crash on wordpress.com hosting
  • FIX
    Fix for “grid gallery” popup if it has only one image added
  • FIX
    Small CSS updates
Version 1.9.60
  • NEW
    New Claim Listing feature [link]
  • FIX
    Transients added for slider values (price range) for site optimization
  • FIX
    Added some missing translations and few smaller fixes
  • Like
Reactions: MarkDragon
Version 1.9.31
  • FIX
    Fix for grid gallery if gallery is not set
  • FIX
    Fix for maps error if there’s any SVG icon with the same map id
  • FIX
    Fix for html code in booking notice
  • FIX
    Fix for missing “End hour” field in Fields Editor
Version 1.9.20
  • NEW
    New homepage search form https://listeo.pro/home-3/
  • NEW
    Option to edit Single Listing layout with Elementor (requires Elementor Pro or Pro Elements)
  • NEW
    Fix for zoom change on map when user uses autolocation
  • NEW
    New option “Show Host/Guest contact and address info only for Paid Bookings in Dashboard page” to hide contact info in bookings until the booking is paid
  • NEW
    New email tags {listing_latitude} and {listing_longitude} to send GPS info via email
  • NEW
    Option to set multiple coupons for a listing
  • NEW
    Fixes for widgets output buffer breaking layout
  • NEW
    Elementor Dynamic Tags support for listing custom fields
  • NEW
    Other small fixes and improvements
Version 1.9
  • NEW
    Support for Stripe Connect for split booking payments
  • FIX
    Fix for latest WooCommerce update
  • FIX
    Small fixes for minor issues
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221
Version 1.8.44
  • FIX
    Fixed time slot so it’s not possible to book time slot that has already passed, thanks to markrjones
  • FIX
    Small Fix for free date check by Edgar Silva
  • FIX
    Renamed “Post Comment” to “Submit Review” on listings review form
  • NEW
    Added option to set minimum number of guests
  • FIX
    Fix for latest WooCommerce update
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221