• The default language of any content posted is English.
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    Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use.
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JoomTestimonials 5.3.5

v5.2.0 (29/11/2023)​

New Features​

  • Joomla 5 support without need of BC plugin
  • ability to change submit button classes


  • force user to enter numbers in avatar size


  • float/top left avatar was not displaying correctly [Default layout]
  • show/hide submit button was not working properly
  • nav buttons color was not working correctly

v5.0 (08/10/2023)​

New Features​

  • Joomla 5 support


  • textLimiter was not working properly on click
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Reactions: GhRG87FGH

v4.6.2 (04/07/2023)​

New Features​

  • Pre-text and Post-text on list view


  • timeline code duplication removed
  • Many duplicated code removed for better reuse
  • Now we use our own Layout render function for better reuse


  • testimonials container was before tagid
  • carousel in menu item was not working
  • video field params was not working
  • show submit button was not displaying
  • submit button was not floating to right
  • wrong TagId value in testmonials container
  • page numbering was incorrect
  • Like
Reactions: ArsaKeln

v4.5.4 (29/05/2023)​


  • Some php warnings due param pageclass_sfx
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Reactions: tatar221
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Reactions: tatar221 and zafro
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221 and zafro