• The default language of any content posted is English.
    Do not create multi-accounts, you will be blocked!
  • Information: Safety & Support
    Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use.
    Consider buying licenses to support developers. Your security is our priority.

Version 2.0 – 3rd June 2024​

  • [ADD] Push Notification
  • [ADD] Binance Payment Gateway
  • [ADD] Aamarpay Payment Gateway
  • [ADD] SslCommerz Payment Gateway
  • [ADD] Slug Management for Policy Pages
  • [ADD] SEO Content Management for Policy Pages
  • [ADD] Input Type Number, URL, Date, and Time in the Form Generator
  • [ADD] Configurable Input Field Width in the Form Generator
  • [ADD] Configurable Hints/Instructions for Input Fields in the Form Generator
  • [ADD] Sorting Option for Input Fields in the Form Generator
  • [ADD] Automatic System Update
  • [ADD] Image on Deposit and Withdraw Method
  • [ADD] Configurable Number of Items per Page for Pagination
  • [ADD] Configurable Currency Display Format
  • [ADD] Redirecting to Intended Location When Required
  • [ADD] Resend Code Countdown on Verification Pages
  • [UPDATE] Admin Dashboard Widget Design
  • [UPDATE] Cron Job Instruction UI
  • [UPDATE] Notification Sending Process
  • [UPDATE] User Experience of the Admin Sidebar
  • [UPDATE] Improved Menu Searching Functionality on the Admin Panel
  • [UPDATE] User Experience of the Select Fields of the Admin Panel
  • [UPDATE] Centralized Settings System
  • [UPDATE] Form Generator UI on the Admin Panel
  • [UPDATE] Google Analytics Script
  • [UPDATE] Notification Toaster UI
  • [UPDATE] Support Ticket Attachment Upload UI
  • [UPDATE] Notification Template Content Configuration
  • [UPDATE] Configurable Email From Name and Address for Each Template
  • [UPDATE] Configurable SMS From for Each Template
  • [UPDATE] Overall User Interface of the Admin Panel
  • [PATCH] Laravel 11
  • [PATCH] PHP 8.3
  • [PATCH] Latest System Patch
  • [PATCH] Latest Security Patch
  • Like
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