• The default language of any content posted is English.
    Do not create multi-accounts, you will be blocked!
  • Information: Safety & Support
    Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use.
    Consider buying licenses to support developers. Your security is our priority.
GoStock - Free & Premium Stock Photos System

GoStock - Free & Premium Stock Photos System 5.3

Update 5.3 // 07 May 2024

  • [New] Updated to Laravel v10.48.10
  • [New] Updated to Bootstrap 5.3.3
  • [Bug Fix] Removed white spaces in titles (SEO)
  • [Bug Fix] Sending email to seller on new sale
  • [Bug Fix] Error currency on Razorpay
  • [Bug Fix] Cancel subscription with Wallet
  • [Bug Fix] Sitemaps media
  • [Bug Fix] View Service Provider error
Update v5.2 // 13 January 2024
[New] Updated to Laravel v10.40.0
[New] Sitemaps only the images
[New] Updated to JQuery v3.7.1
[New] Support for all zero-decimal currencies (Stripe)
[New] Tag Alt on images
[New] Link to Homepage from error 404

[Bug Fix] Unmatched error on 503 page
[Bug Fix] Button “View” on withdrawals on dark mode
[Bug Fix] Banner cookies policy on light mode
[Bug Fix] Suscription error Stripe on Admin Panel
[Bug Fix] Suscription renewal on PayPal
[Bug Fix] How can use photo edit error
[Bug Fix] Subcategories show all edit image
[Bug Fix] Sort search error
[Bug Fix] Sending email to user New Sale
[Bug Fix] Edit image on categories
[Bug Fix] Search sort with oldest
[Bug Fix] Subcategories edit on Admin Panel