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Elementor PRO - WordPress Page Builder Premium

Elementor PRO - WordPress Page Builder Premium 3.22.1 NULLED

3.17.0 - 2023-10-25​

  • Tweak: Added AJAX pagination option or seamless page navigation between content in Loop Grid widget (#1284)
  • Tweak: Introduced Individual Pagination option when multiple Post widgets are on the same page, providing enhanced control over pagination
  • Tweak: Introduced Individual Pagination option when multiple Loop Grid widgets are on the same page, providing enhanced control over pagination
  • Tweak: Added a None option to the breakpoint options in Menu widget
  • Tweak: Added a horizontal scrolling option in Menu widget
  • Tweak: Upgraded minimum required PHP version to 7.3
  • Tweak: Improved accessibility when minimize button is disabled in Table of Content widget
  • Fix: Table of Content widget without icons displays undefined error (#17523, #17768, #18463)
  • Fix: Hover behavior issues on menu items in Menu widget (#23430, #22431)
  • Fix: Links inside Loop Carousel are not working on initial load in Menu widget (#23705)
  • Fix: Popups accessible navigation adds outlines to the wrong first focusable element
  • Fix: Dropdown area aligned to the left side of the screen if contains Tabs widget in Menu widget
  • Fix: Content horizontal position not aligning correctly when used with carousel widgets in Menu widget
  • Fix: Accessibility errors in PageSpeed Insights in Table of Contents widget

3.16.2 - 2023-09-20​

  • Fix: Fit to Content dropdown position calculation is incorrect in Menu widget (#23808)
  • Fix: Reverted hide navigation arrows when there is only one slide in the Loop or Nested carousel (#23804)

3.16.1 - 2023-09-14​

  • Fix: Dynamic tag for ACF image field is not working as expected (#23757)
  • Fix: Sticky functionality affects padding values in Container (#23758)
  • Fix: HTML list issues for padding and margin in Menu widget
#### 3.16.0 - 2023-09-12

* Tweak: Implemented accessibility improvements in Menu widget ([#23607](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/23607), [#22554](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/22554))
* Fix: 'Fallback: Recent Posts' option malfunctions in the Query control ([#21436](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/21436), [#23259](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/23259))
* Tweak: Hide navigation arrows when there is only one slide in the Loop or Nested carousel ([#22056](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/22056))
* Tweak: Used appropriate image `alt` in Testimonial Carousel widget ([#17680](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/17680))
* Tweak: Optimized Scroll Snap functionality when using Container widget
* Tweak: Enhanced Elementor Role Manager functionality when using Containers
* Tweak: Added Notes feature to the Editor Top Bar
* Tweak: Replace CSS `float` with other layouts in the Editor
* Tweak: Upgraded HTML Structure for the Menu widget
* Tweak: Implemented CSS logical properties in Carousel and Menu widgets
* Tweak: Added keyboard accessibility to a link in Posts widget
* Tweak: Loop Builder feature merged to version
* Fix: Addressed inconsistency in hover effect durations between icon, dropdown indicator colors, and text colors in the Menu widget ([#22376](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/22376))
* Fix: Slides break if the parent container is set to HTML A tag in Loop Carousel and Carousel widgets ([#22678](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/22678))
* Fix: The icon size setting is not affecting uploaded SVG icons in the Menu widget ([#22372](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/22372))
* Fix: Taxonomy filter does not work with slug in foreign characters ([#23315](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/23315))
* Fix: Improved code security enforcement in Dynamic Tags
* Fix: Sticky container incorrectly adjusts its width when transitioning from a smaller breakpoint to a larger one within the Editor
#### 3.15.1 - 2023-08-09
* Fix: Improved code security enforcement in Table of Contents widget

3.15.0 - 2023-07-31​

  • New: Introducing Taxonomy Filter widget - Empower visitors to seamlessly filter listings in Loop Grids based on taxonomies (#3140)
  • Tweak: Added an "Offset Sides" functionality in Carousel and Loop Carousel widgets (#21114)
  • Tweak: Modified the size of the Publish button in the Editor Top Bar feature (#22472)
  • Tweak: Improved Ajax permissions functionality for better security enforcement
  • Tweak: Added option for pagination custom position in Carousel and Loop Carousel widgets
  • Tweak: Added option for navigation custom position in Carousel and Loop Carousel widgets
  • Tweak: Added additional styling options for navigation in Carousel and Loop Carousel widgets
  • Tweak: Added labels to shortcode column in WordPress admin
  • Tweak: Unified the appearance of stretch and center buttons in Menu widget
  • Tweak: Unified the appearance of stretch and center buttons in My Account widget
  • Tweak: Improved panel UI in Video Playlist widget
  • Tweak: Implemented CSS logical properties in Elementor Editor
  • Tweak: Added "Title HTML Tag" and "Description HTML Tag" in Price List widget
  • Tweak: Added "Title HTML Tag" and "Description HTML Tag" in Slides widget
  • Tweak: Added "Title HTML Tag" and "Description HTML Tag" in Flip Box widget
  • Tweak: Added "Description HTML Tag" in Call To Action widget
  • Security Fix: Improved code security enforcement in Share Buttons widget
  • Security Fix: Improved code security enforcement in Form widget
  • Fix: WooCommerce Status page failed to recognize Elementor WooCommerce widgets
  • Fix: Pagination does not work inside single templates when using Posts and Loop Grid widgets
  • Fix: Incorrect saving of WooCommerce page settings in Elementor site settings under certain scenarios

3.14.1 - 2023-06-26​

  • Tweak: Improved navigation on touch devices in Carousel widget (#22827)
  • Fix: Missing navigation arrows on lightbox in Gallery widget (#22870)

3.14.0 - 2023-06-19​

  • New: Introducing Carousel widget - Infinite design possibilities, and nesting capabilities (#2587, #219)
  • Tweak: Added Static Item Position functionality to Alternate template in Loop Grid widget
  • Tweak: Added visual indication of Page Parts
  • Tweak: Added dividers option between menu items in Menu widget
  • Tweak: Changed the HTML structure of Pagination and Navigation in Loop Carousel and Nested Carousel widgets
  • Tweak: Added shop page in WooCommerce Pages section in Site Settings
  • Tweak: Added Text Shadow, Box Shadow and Padding control to button in Call to Action widget
  • Tweak: Added Lazy Load support for images in Video Playlist widget
  • Tweak: Added alt attribute to images in Video Playlist widget
  • Tweak: Replaced select control with choose control for Flip Direction control in Flip Box widget
  • Tweak: Added keyboard accessibility to Carousel and Loop Carousel widgets
  • Tweak: Use media_types array in Media controls
  • Fix: Lightbox is still enabled after disabling it in the Site Settings in Gallery widget (#11193, #19871)
  • Fix: Responsive settings for templates don't work as expected when Additional Custom Breakpoints feature is active (#16819, #19394)
  • Fix: Inner containers are not presented as expected in Menu widget (#21813)
  • Fix: Popup width does not support percentages (#22413)
  • Fix: PHP 8.x throws errors when using WooCommerce Ajax response (#22199)
  • Fix: Mini cart template appears as empty in various scenarios in Menu Cart widget (#22789)
  • Fix: Order by Price doesn't work for the Latest products or Manual Selection in Products widget
  • Fix: Dropdown indicator icon is not vertically aligned to the text when using icon in Menu Widget
  • Fix: Mixed content warning in the console for Video Playlist widget
  • Fix: Preview settings are not presented as expected after first save in Loop Template
  • Fix: Not-crawlable link error in Video Playlist widget
  • Fix: Lightbox is still enabled after disabling it in the Site Settings in Logo widget
  • Fix: Focus state issue on page load when using Table of Content widget

3.13.2 - 2023-05-23​

  • Tweak: Added 'Active item state' [..] in the Mega menu for anchor links [ED-9887] (#2319)
  • Tweak: Accessible navigation arrows in Loop Carousel [ED-9944] (#2300)
  • Tweak: Accessible Slides widget images [ED-9961] (#2316)
  • Tweak: Accessible navigation arrows in Slides Carousel [ED-9945] (#2299)
  • Tweak: Accessible CTA widget images [ED-9957] (#2314)
  • Tweak: Accessible navigation arrows in Carousel (media, testimonial, reviews) [ED-9946] (#2301)
  • Tweak: Accessible Media Carousel widget images [ED-9960] (#2315)
  • Fix: Move Mega Menu submenu screenshot to the Typescript folder. [ED-10065] (#2356)
  • Tweak: Added Lazy Load support for avatar image in Post Info widget [ED-10048] (#2350)
  • Tweak: Added new cli library command - clear cached conditions [ED-9959] (#2313)
  • Revert "Revert "Internal: Stop sending set_site_owner request [BA-1u2026 (#2378)
  • Tweak: Added icons to menu items in Mega Menu widget [ED-9763] (#2345)
  • Tweak: Added Lazy Load support to various Elementor Editor/Admin images [ED-10099] (#2368)
  • Tweak: Added Lazy Load support for author image in Author Box widget [ED-10102] (#2370)
  • Tweak: Added Lazy Load support for images in Price List widget [ED-10098] (#2366)
  • Tweak: Make Table of Content widget keyboard accessible [ED-10047] (#2349)
  • Fix: Make mobile hamburger in WordPress menu widget keyboard accessible [ED-9568] (#2348)
  • Fix: Update Playwright conditional experiment modal closure. [ED-10205] (#2393)
  • Fix: Merge from 3_12 into 3_13 [ED-10252] (#2400)
  • Fix: Merge 312 into 313 (#2430)
  • Tweak: Make search widget keyboard accessible [ED-9391] (#2352)
  • Tweak: Dynamic values of query control on import [ED-10263] (#2406)
  • Tweak: Canvas differentiation between page parts [ED-10202] (#2392)
  • Tweak: Provided an option to assign Post Excerpt from content [ED-10128] (#2435)
  • Fix: Cart fragment regardless if mini cart template is disabled [ED-10319] (#2427)
  • Fix: Active icon is not working as expected in Menu widget [ED-10391] (#2449)
  • Tweak: Make Gallery widget images keyboard accessible [ED-10383] (#2446)
  • Fix: Menu Cart shows empty when using custom icons for 'Close Cart' and/or 'Remove Item' [ED-10400] (#2464)
  • Fix: Revert 10202 [ED-10384] (#2453)
  • Fix: Mega Menu Content width is affected by the widget's width - branch Hein [ED-10308] (#2485)
  • Tweak: Changed Menu Items HTML structure in Mega Menu Widget [ED-10408] (#2494)
  • Fix: CLI - command wp plugin list failed [ED-10136] (#2498)
  • Fix: Publish Beta & Dev Release - Pro [ED-10506] (#2504)
  • Fix: Elementor Pro adds attributes to WooCommerce XHR requests [ED-10141] (#2513)
  • Fix: Products widget: an empty "Rows" field causes Can't Edit with Fatal Error (#21451) (#2530) (#2532)
  • Fix: Playwright ACF test [ED-10611] (#2542)
  • Fix: Optimized Theme Builder parts creation process for better security enforcement [ED-10640] (#2548)
  • Revert "Fix: Optimized Theme Builder parts creation process for better security enforcement [ED-10640]" (#2555)
  • Fix: Excerpt content pulled from post content is showing with HTML tags [ED-10682] (#2573)
  • Fix: Security - Modified roles and permissions checks to enforce better security policies [ED-10653] (#2575)
  • Fix: Hover settings not working on Touch-Enabled devices in Menu widget [ED-10688] (#2601)