• The default language of any content posted is English.
    Do not create multi-accounts, you will be blocked!
  • Information: Safety & Support
    Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use.
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DaVinci AI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Voice, Chat, Code, Transcript, and Video Generator as SaaS

DaVinci AI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Voice, Chat, Code, Transcript, and Video Generator as SaaS 5.9 NULLED Extended

26.03.2023 - v1.4
- New: GPT 4 (8K/32K) model added
- New: Support for Thai, Bulgarian, Lithuanian, Ukrainian added
- New: Amason S3 storage for AI Images added
- New: Wasabi Cloud storage for AI Images added
- New: AI Code feature added
- New: Art Styles feature for AI Images added
- New: Art Medium feature for AI Images added
- New: Art Mood feature for AI Images added
- New: Custom category creation feature added
- New: Custom template editor feature added
- Update: Language file en.json with missing words updated
- Update: Subscription plan cancellation keeps credits until depleted or renewed
- Update: Login/Registration page copyright info removed
- Update: Login page default credentials removed
- Update: Ability to removing .00 in pricing added
- Update: Stripe webhook controller updated
- Update: Paypal webhook controller updated
- Update: Coinbase webhook controller updated
- Update: Razorpay webhook controller updated
- Update: Paystack webhook controller updated
- Fix: Razorpay prepaid plan payment issue fixed
- Fix: Google 2FA issue fixed
- Fix: Referral payment system tracks payment commissions correctly now
- Fix: Copy referral link button fixed
- Fix: Recover password page responsiveness fixed
- Fix: User profile shows correct subscription between monthly or yearly now
06.03.2023 - v1.3
- New: Unlimited custom templates creation feature added
- New: Support for ChatGPT - gpt-3.5-turbo model added
- New: Academic Essay template added
- New: Welcome Email template added
- New: Cold Email template added
- New: Follow up Email template added
- New: Creative Stories template added
- New: Grammar Checker template added
- New: Summarize for 2nd Grader template added
- New: Video Scripts template added
- New: Amazon Product Description template added
- New: Templates filter feature added
- New: Export in Text format added
- Update: Result and Template view pages updated
- Update: Auto save feature for text results removed
- Update: AI Image results table updated
- Update: All Documents table updated
- Fix: User default workbook creation issue fixed
- Fix: Workbooks page responsiveness improved
- Fix: Login page default credentials removed
- Fix: Login page responsiveness improved
- Fix: Support email link fixed
- Fix: Referral email register link in the email fixed