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Advanced Themer for Bricks

Advanced Themer for Bricks 2.8.1

= 2.8.1 ( AUG 28, 2024 )
* NEW: Link indicator inside the Structure Panel
* IMPROVE: Added a prefixed -webkit- fallback for the backdrop-filter property (needed for Safari users).
* IMPROVE: Revamped Plain Class modal with new Category dropdowns
* IMPROVE: New "Rename Mode" inside the Structure Helper
* IMPROVE: Added "Elements with at least one global class that contains Custom CSS" filter inside the Structure Helper Modal.
* IMPROVE: Added "Uncategorized" to the filter options of the groups inside the class manager > bulk actions.
* IMPROVE: The import CSS Variables function could generate long decimal values for clamps. Now it's limited to two decimals.
* IMPROVE: "Hide inactive Style accordion panel" is now compatible with BricksExtras and BricksForge.
* FIX: "Hide inactive Style accordion panel" could potentially hide content groups if some style groups were active.
* FIX: Bricks suggestion dropdown was hidden when the "Suggestions Dropdown for CSS Variables" was enabled.
* FIX: Importing clamp() variables with nested calc() functions would generate a JS error
* FIX: Auto-expanding the left panel inside the CSS tab wasn't working correctly.
* DEPRECATED: Resizable Structure Panel (introduced in Bricks 1.10.2)
* DEPRECATED: Parent Element Shortcut (introduced in Bricks 1.10.2)
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Reactions: Kensei1212
= 2.8 ( AUG 13, 2024 )
* NEW: Admin/Editor notes
* NEW: Cleanup deleted global classes from the elements
* IMPROVE: Added GPT-4o and GPT-4o-mini to the AI models list
* IMPROVE: Added "em" in the list of the advanced wrapper tags
* IMPROVE: Added "Recent Search" inside the Dynamic Data modal
* IMPROVE: "Elements with more than one global class" added to the Structure Helper options
* IMPROVE: Removed auto-focus on SuperPowerCSS
* IMPROVE: Reduced lags when editing CSS using SuperPowerCSS on the Global Class level.
* IMPROVE: Codemirror upgraded to version 5.65.16
* IMPROVE: The builder tweak "Highlight Parent Elements" is now Vanilla CSS only - No JavaScript
* IMPROVE: The highlight functions on the Structure Panel are now more performant
* FIX: Element shortcuts colors conflict since 1.10
* FIX: The Global class manager wasn't opening correctly when using keyboard shortcuts
* FIX: There was a conflict with the tweak “Auto-focus on the First Unlocked Class” and the Global elements of Bricks
* FIX: Importing color variables misses a final parenthesis in the variable value
* FIX: The "Expand structure" icon could move around when the AutoBEM feature of ACSS was enabled
* FIX: The code element wasn't fully scrollable since v1.10
* DEPRECATED: All the builder tweaks related to templates (now available in Bricks 1.10)
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Reactions: zilog357
= 2.7.2 ( JUN 24, 2024 )
* IMPROVE: AT now includes blank index.php files in all folders to prevent directory listing of AT plugin folders for incorrectly configured web servers
* UPDATE: ACF PRO updated to version
= 2.7 ( JUN 18, 2024 )
* NEW: Nested Elements
* IMPROVE: The search input is now automatically focused when opening the Dynamic Data Modal
* IMPROVE: Dynamic Data Modal filters now includes the parent group label of any tag
* IMPROVE: Dynamic Data key filter is now cleared each time you open the modal
* IMPROVE: Holding the Shift key while clicking on dynamic tag will prevent the modal to close
* IMPROVE: "Expand all children" builder tweak now works for collapsing items as well
* IMPROVE: Export AT settings now include the builder settings such as Nested Elements
* IMPROVE: Added the filter elements to the list of element you can enable/disable
* FIX: Dynamic Data Modal filters didn't work correctly with tag names
* FIX: Z-index issue with the class contextual menu since 1.9.9
* FIX: Dynamic items/icons inside Contextual menu of the structure panel weren't updated correctly since 1.9.9
* FIX: Shortcut icons colors were missing inside the left element panel since 1.9.9
* FIX: Updated the new topbar icon opacity values since 1.9.9
* FIX: Export settings inside the Theme Settings wasn't working correctly anymore
* FIX: "Move Children Up" builder tweak could reposition the children elements in the wrong order
* FIX: "Remove template links" in Strict Editor Mode wasn't working correctly anymore
* FIX: "Left panel visibility" element list has been refreshed to match the Bricks editable element list in Editor Mode
* DEPRECATED: "Open link in a new tab" is now part of Bricks Core.
= 2.6.4 ( MAY 31, 2024 )
* NEW: Dynamic Data Modal
* NEW: Image Mask Helper
* IMPROVE: New enqueue options for the CSS Theme variables.
* IMPROVE: New default enqueue position set to Head for CSS Theme variables.
* IMPROVE: Removed a server request when enqueuing CSS Theme variables.
* FIX: Custom CSS codes on the ID level weren't correctly removed with Class Converter
* FIX: Layout issue: style group labels could overlap the SuperPowerCSS control when adding long CSS declarations
* FIX: Content tabs could disappear when "Hide inactive accordion panels" tweak was active
* FIX: Dynamic Data dropdown hidden in popup controls
* FIX: Clicking on the Structure Panel header icons could wrongly trigger the draggable/resize function.
* FIX: CSS Variables Conversion script could lead to conversion failure.
= 2.6.3 ( MAY 17, 2024 )
* IMPROVE: New PHP filter to activate the Core Framework integration inside the Variable Picker
* IMPROVE: Resetting/importing/exporting global classes will also include the corresponding Global Class Categories
* FIX: The left content tab could return empty when clicking on the corresponding left shortcut
* FIX: Switching left tabs shortcuts under 100ms could calculate incorrectly the active Status
* FIX: The Form element could produce an empty style tab when switching from another element
* FIX: In some cases, importing CSS Global Variables could mess with the CSS Variable Categories array
= 2.6 ( MAY 14, 2024 )
* NEW: Text-to-Speech
* NEW: Focus Point
* NEW: Hide/Remove Element
* NEW: Merge Global Classes
* IMPROVE: Revamped Variable Picker
* IMPROVE: New "Fullscreen" mode for the Variable Manager of AT
* IMPROVE: Assign new category to multiple items by drag & drop is now supported inside the Class Manager and the Variable Manager.
* IMPROVE: clamp-builder now supports internal tokens to modify the min/max vewport & the unit values globally.
* IMPROVE: New default toggle to enable Keyboard Shortcuts for creating elements by default on page load.
* IMPROVE: Popups such as Border or Box-Shadow won't close anymore when the user selects a CSS variable from the variable picker.
* IMPROVE: Added the new GPT-4-Turbo model.
* IMPROVE: Renamed "Save Post" button to "Save to Database" inside the Class Manager.
* IMPROVE: Global CSS variables are now editable inside the builder.
* IMPROVE: Global CSS variables are compatible in both the core variable manager and AT's variable manager.
* IMPROVE: Hide/Show element visibility inside the class contextual menu even if a global class is active.
* IMPROVE: Default Theme Settings now reflect the official recommended settings.
* IMPROVE: New option to force a specific default color scheme on the frontend.
* IMPROVE: New control visibility options in Strict Editor View.
* IMPROVE: Updated the delimiter from white space to comma when adding multiple class or variable categories in their corresponding managers.
* FIX: "Extend spacing controls" tweak is now compatible with the new core spacing controls introduced in 1.9.8.
* FIX: The top element shortcut icons could overlap with the class input.
* FIX: Commented code not saved in the database if no further keyup was triggered.
* FIX: "Hide the Dynamic Data trigger" in Strict Editor Mode wasn't including the dynamic icon inside Rich Text Elements.
* FIX: In Strict Editor View, the "revisions" tab wasn't visible anymore.
* FIX: The "left panel visibility" tweak in Strict Editor View was hiding "History", "Pages" or "Settings" permanently.
* FIX: Left tab shortcuts required a double click to switch panels when the CSS tab with SuperPowerCSS enabled was active.
* FIX: Modals were closing when releasing the mouse click outside of the modal itself, instead of firing on mousedown event only.
* FIX: Right-click of the mouse could trigger the Resizable function of the Structure Panel.
* FIX: Creating elements by keyboard shortcuts from the preview window could create a bug leading the element to disappear from the structure.
* FIX: A JavaScript error related to the Tag Manager could prevent the left tabs shortcuts from being correctly mounted.
* FIX: Expanded spacing controls compatibility with 1.9.8.
* FIX: Variable Picker icon compatibility with 1.9.8.
* FIX: The suggestion dropdown wasn't showing correctly in SuperPowerCSS when the editor is in fullscreen mode.
* FIX: "Hide inactive Style accordion panel" could generate an empty style tab.
* FIX: The structure panel was cropped on the bottom on Firefox.
* FIX: Fixed a layout issue on the right sidebar when the Admin Bar is enabled inside the builder.
* FIX: Responsive issues in the generated CSS of the grid builder when no settings are applied on children through different breakpoints.
* FIX: Error when dragging colors if any color in the palette is collapsed inside the Color Manager.
* FIX: The grid utility global classes weren't correctly removed in the builder when deactivating the CSS Classes/Grid utility classes tabs in the theme settings
* DEPRECATED: Media Queries indicators.
* DEPRECATED: Global CSS variables categories in the backend. Now they are managed inside the builder.
* DEPRECATED: The "expand spacing" switch has been removed since it has been introduced natively in 1.9.8.
* DEPRECATED: ACSS & Core Framework integrations inside the Variable Picker.
* UPDATED: ACF PRO updated.
= 2.5.2 ( APR 3, 2024 )
* IMPROVE: Global Classes extracted and saved from the Advanced CSS Panels are now locked by default
* IMPROVE: Custom CSS and SuperPower CSS controls are now full-height by default when "Hide inactive Style accordion panel" tweak is enabled
* IMPROVE: Added a toggle for enabling/disabling keyboard shortcuts for creating new elements
* IMPROVE: Creating nested elements through the right sidebar could eventually wrongly create siblings
* FIX: "Reduced Left panel visibility" in Strict Editor View was sometime not showing the panel correctly.
= 2.5.1 ( Mar 29, 2024 )
* FIX: Left tabs shorcuts weren't always mounted correctly when Focus On first class is enabled
* FIX: A JS error could popup when an element had a css class added, but no global class attached
* FIX: Increased compatibility with earlier versions of Bricks 1.9.7
* FIX: Changes in Strict Editor Settings weren't saved correctly in database
* FIX: SuperPowerCSS not showing changes when navigating through style tabs
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Reactions: MarkDragon