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Advanced product configurator by steps

PrestaShop Advanced product configurator by steps 1.7.2


You will be able to create configurable products of all types with a process in which the client must select each option or component of the product following different marked steps. It has different designs of the configuration process.

With this module you will be able to sell special products that require complicated configurations and for it, the client will have to follow certain steps to not forget to mark any of the necessary options in the product.

With this module, you won't need to have an infinity of combinations in a product to get a customer to select all the necessary options, since the configurator uses its own options. As you know, when a product has many attribute combinations, the product page slows down a lot, with this module you will prevent this.

You can create a computer configurator, in which the client can select each component that is part of a computer from among several options for each component.
You can create different configuration steps to select the components.
STEP 1: Box (you can add several box models to select)
STEP 2: Power supply (you can put all the types of power supply you have available)
STEP 3: Motherboard (you can put several motherboard models)
STEP 4: Processor (you can put several processor models)
And this with every component available for the computer. You can create all the configuration steps you need.

The module allows you to create as many configurators as you need.
You can create as many configuration steps (also called components) as you need.
For each Component, you can create as many configuration options as you need.

Conditional options:
You can create components with conditional options, i.e. depending on the option selected in one of the configuration steps (component), it will then show you a different configuration step. Let's say they are variable configurations based on what the client has previously configured.
Continuing with the example of the computer, the conditional options, would be so that if a client has selected a type of box, the power supplies shown in the next step of the configuration, are only compatible with that box, the same would happen with the motherboards and processors or with any other component. Some depend on others, based on what the customer is configuring.

The conditional options are optional, it is not necessary to use them if they are not needed.

The module has 3 types of different designs to adapt it in your store, you can see them in our demo. Each product in your store can have a totally different configurator design.

Discount stock:
The base product in which the configurator is created can have a configured stock and each time a product is purchased it can be deducted from the stock. This can be used to have a product that is the base from which you need to discount stock in each sale.
In addition, you can have each selected option discount stock from other products.
Continuing with the example of the computer, you can have for sale in the store, all the components of the computer, to sell them separately and all those products, you will have them with their stock. So when you sell a custom computer, all the components selected by the customer, also will be discounted the stock of the main products. Of course this is at your discretion, because if you do not want to link the options of the configurator with individual products, it is not necessary at all. If you don't, no stock will be discounted, except for the base product.
You can configure that when you select a configurator option, more than one unit of the product linked to that option is deducted, in this way you can create product packs.

Variable prices:
You can configure each option configurable, to increase the price of the base product, in this way, as the customer is configuring, will see the price of the product to buy.

Visual selection:
With this module, you will create very visual configurators, since each option to be configured can have its own image so that the client has a clear idea of what it is asking for.

Customization fields:
You can add configurable options with text fields for the customer to add information for product customization.
You can also add options with file upload fields, so the client can upload images and other types of files so you can customize the product.
Very useful to personalize t-shirts, cups, plates, children's clothes for the nursery etc ...

Final summary:
Once the customer has checked all the desired options in the configurator, he is shown a summary of everything he has configured to check before adding the product to the basket or save it to his favorites for later.
At any time, you can edit the checked options and change your selection.
If the customer has not configured any options in all steps of the configurator, you will not be able to add the product to the basket.

Save settings:
The customer can save the configuration to continue with it at a later time or to purchase the product at a later time. The module creates a new section in the client panel to save the configurations that the client is making.

Product created on the fly:
Once the customer has finished configuring a product, by adding it to the cart, a product is created on the fly with all the configuration, but remember that this product does not use combinations of attributes, therefore all the configuration of this product created, is added as an informative text in the order, so you can prepare and send the order.

Adaptable designs:
You have several designs, but in addition, some of them, are adaptable to your needs, since you can decide the number of columns that you show in each step of the configurator.

Anchorage hooks:
You have available several Hooks where to place the configurator in the product sheet. The hooks are different depending on whether the store is PrestaShop 1.6 or PrestaShop 1.7, because they use the official Hooks of PrestaShop.

The configurator is compatible with all templates on the market as long as they use PrestaShop's official standard hooks. As a general rule, all templates usually respect the official Hooks.
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